08 December 2017

The Deano - Evening Extra Edition

Following on our Friday Fun & Games theme today, here's a little extra fun from back in 1988 (when there were only 7 Doctors!), a few cartoons from The Deano-

too tired to think of what should be here


  1. Hee hee! Enjoyed that. From Viz I presume.

  2. Nope. From MARVEL!

    After you pick yourself up, drop back later today for more.

    1. Of course! The Dr. Who theme should've clued me in. I have the impression that 'The Deano' has been used elsewhere though.

    2. I get that feeling, too. I'm pretty sure i've seen it used elsewhere, but The Beano has been around so long, it would probably be more surprising if the name hadn't been tweaked elsewhere, no?

      Still, it's nagging at me, wondering where...
