Showing posts with label Archie Dickens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Archie Dickens. Show all posts

10 February 2020

2020 Calendars - Week 07

For this week's calendars, let's double up. I don't know - in honor of February and Two-Face or whatever silly excuse we need.

For our Pin-up Calendars, Mike Ludlow returns with a bit of cold weather beauty -

For our second classic Pin-Up Calendar, please welcome Joe De Mers to this year's gathering of artists -

For our Covers Calendars this week, we've got a Spicy pair from Hugh Joseph Ward

If the name H.J. Ward sounds familiar, perhaps it's from the 'original' Batman cover from the February 1936 issue of Spicy Mystery Stories

Finally, for our Blue Monday calendars, a pair of returning artists. Archie Dickens provides our only Valantine's Day calendar and Zoë Mozert returns for a portrait of pure lovliness. 

Since our Blue calendars feature nudity, you'll have to step on through to our adult content 'back room' for the uncut version of this post to see them.
As always, the calendars are sized to print 8"x10" at 150dpi, with 1" square spaces for notations.

art by labeled artists, of course (20thC)

20 January 2020

2020 Calendars - Week 04

In our fine modern entertainment tradition, we're going back to Week 01 of this year's calendars to reboot/recycle/rerun our artists for Week 04. Not the artwork, of course, just the artists.

First up, Henry Clive returns with a bit more classically themed piece in this week's Pin-up Calendar - 

And for our Covers Calendar, Enoch Bolles returns, this time with the January 1942 cover of Film Fun -

And Archie Dickens gives us another winter themed pin-up for out Blue Monday Calendar, available in our adult content 'back room.'
Here's a direct link to the full version of this post.

We're keeping it very simple this week - just the three basic calendars. Now i'm off to figure out where i parked my brain.

As always, the calendars are sized to print 8"x10" at 150dpi, with 1" square spaces for notations.

art by labeled artists, of course (20thC)