Showing posts with label 1958. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1958. Show all posts

17 August 2020

Covering Out Of This World

This machine is still limping along without hard drive, running off of USB sticks. But it's actually the least impediment to posting lately. My mind is scuttling away from the outside world, making focusing on the posts more difficult, but fighting my way past that, too.

And then there's Blogger's 'upgrade' and the thoroughly frelled image uploads. That's a killer. It was only on the last attempt before giving up for the day that it finally upped the images for this post.

So, my apologies for the gaps lately - i'm working on it, but others are working against it. Hopefully things will smooth out soon.

Meanwhile, since the brain doesn't want to focus on wordly bits much, lets take a look at some covers. Out Of This World only had 16 issues between 1956 - 1959. That run of fewer than a dozen & a half issues sure produced a number of nice covers, don't you think...?

Of course, it never hurts to have Steve Ditko on your team.

cover art by Bill Molno, Steve Ditko, Maurice Whitman, Pat Masulli, Rocco Mastroserio, Charles Nichola, Vince Alascia, and Dick Giordano from Out Of This World #s 1-16 (1956, 1959)

02 February 2020

Not Quite SMF

Continuing with yesterday's theme - more Sunday Morning Funnies, kinda sort of. It's not Sunday morning any more*, and they're not quite...

Well, see for yourselves -

Wait a minute! This is supposed to be Sunday Morning Funnies. Shouldn't we have some colour?


I think we can do better than that... 

That's better. 
One more time!

Are we all feeling funnified now?

page art by Don Orehek, Bill Elder, and ???
for Zany #s 1 & 3, Nuts #4, and Panic #8 (1954, 1955, 1958, 1959)

*(This post was originally scheduled for 12:03pm. I got tired of waiting)

29 January 2020

Tartag Countdown

Yesterday i made mention of stumbling across a story drawn by John Tartaglione which i enjoyed the splash panel artwork, but we went off in a different direction.

Today, we loop back. Here's that 7 page story...

This 6 page tale is the first confirmed story pencilled by Tartaglione...

This 5 pager continues our cycle of picking up one thread one pulling at another. In this case, Joe Maneely - how have we not seen him at all yet on this blog? (Same way we hadn't seen Tartag, obviously. But we'll be back)...

This 4 page tale is probably my favorite of the batch, just because...

This 3 page story is the first time i know of John working directly with Stan Lee, long before his best known works for Marvel...

This 2 pager is or is not the first of his 2 page tales, depending on whether or not you count illustrations for the 2-page text features. (Today, we're not)

And, lastly - his first confirmed cover for a 1 page piece -

By the way - did you know that his son, John C., is an artist in his own right? I'll try to herd the ol' brain around so show some of his paintings.

page art by John Tartaglione from Justice #23, Young Men #11, War Comics #6, Venus #14, Adventures Into Weird Worlds #14, Romantic Secrets #15, and Secrets Of Love And Marriage #9 (1951, 1953, 1958)