Showing posts with label Jack Kamen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jack Kamen. Show all posts

02 August 2018

Jane Dodge - Former Fly Girl

To answer the question we left off with last time, it was Page Parks - Air Hostess who never appeared again. That seems appropriate since she wasn't truly a Fly Girl. Lee Preston of the Red Cross appeared in the first 9 issues of Crack Comics before fading into history. Jane Martin - War Nurse had the longest run, appearing regularly in the first 111 issues of Wings.

In 1946, another Fly Girl, Jane Dodge, made a rather drastic career change to Jungle Goddess in the pages of Zoot -

Jack Kamen drew the cover above. The writing credit for the introductory strip is unknown, and the artwork is uncertain, but a good educated guess is Matt Baker, who did indeed draw the next issue, and the cover as well. Matt, as you may recall, was the artist on another Fly Girl, Ginger Maguire - Sky Girl, and our No-Fly Girl, Canteen Kate.

After almost a dozen issues, Rulah took over Zoot and had her own title from #s 17-27, while also appearing in All Top Comics. She was regularly reprinted over the years and is fondly remembered by genre aficionados. That's something of a regular footnote for characters drawn by Matt Baker.

Jungle Goddesses/Jungle Queens/Jungletc.,. is another recurring topic planned for this blog if i can ever figure out what to call them. (And, y'know, get things organized)

page art from Zoot #7 (1946)