Showing posts with label Scott McLeod. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott McLeod. Show all posts

29 July 2019

Mutants Walk Among Us

We sure ran a lot of posts in a row on the same guy, so let's take a minor break from Don Rosa - but we'll stay with the RBCC.

Kurt Busiek is highly regarded for a number of reasons, not least of which is investing new life into old stories. When he and Alex Ross created the Marvels mini-series back in 1994, he cemented his legacy as a highly knowledgeable historian of their world.

Some of us already knew that. A decade and a half earlier, he worked with Scott McLeod to bring us The Mutant Handbook -

Little did we suspect how it pointed towards the future.

Bonus! Here's a couple extra pin-up pages of Scott by Scott -

page art by Scott McLeod from Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #s 148 & 152 (1979, 1982)