Showing posts with label 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2018. Show all posts

26 January 2019

Monstrobot No More

No posts this weekend.

Sadly, my worst fears were confirmed this week when i went looking to see why Snell hadn't updated his blog in over a month. When you type in somebody's name and Google suggests "Obituary" is never a good sign.

Brian Snell died of natural causes at the young age of 55 in the middle of last month. When i was trying to decide how to build a connection between my hermit cave and the outer world, it was Snell's blog that inspired me to start The Voice Of ODD! He was at it for a decade before i even started.

Now his voice has been silenced.

The Voice Of ODD! will be silent this weekend in his honor.
Instead, go read something on Slay, Monstrobot Of The Deep!
For example, see why i haven't written much on comic god-of-odd Bob Haney. (Snell's got 68 posts on the guy, so i was only able to get there first once) Browse the topics and you're sure to find something of interest. Snell left us with nearly a dozen years of entertaining comic blogging archived for our enjoyment and edification.

It wasn't nearly enough.

We'll miss you, Brian.
I'll be back in 3 days.

06 January 2019

Sunday Morning Funnies w/ Ellis Chambers

It's been quite a while since we've had our Sunday Morning Funnies feature, so let's go with a fair sized batch today - all by one of our favorites around these parts, Ellis Holly Chambers.

Given that The 1940s Funny Animalphabet is off on its own now, we'll avoid his '40s funny animal works today. We'll look instead at work from the '50s and strips starring human rather than animal characters.

Let's start with one i mentioned very recently while talking about Wonderland Comics. Here's The Boy Pirate -

When speculating upon what might have happened to Ellis Chambers, i sometimes wonder if the drug use sometimes caused problems with his editors, possibly leading to hiring him less and less over time. While they seemed to like his work, the same might not necessarily be said for him. The tale above stands mute witness to this possibility. Twice more it ran in the same title, once the following year and again three years later. In both cases, his signature had been removed from the lower right corner of the title panel...

...and extra shame given the more interesting colour schemes used in the reprints.

Bonus Ellis Oddness:
I don't often post memes/image-macros here, but we've got a worthy exception here today. However, it will only fully make sense to those who are familiar with Howie Post's recollections of Ellis Chambers. (See Comic Book Artist #5 or this post for details.)

As often as i've seen this one out there, i don't think i've seen it better used. Certainly not for our purposes.
Thanks to Nick for sending his creation my way!

page art by Ellis Chambers for Wonderland Comics #8, Buster Bunny # 3, Sands Of The South Pacific #1, and Marmaduke Mouse #s 23, 33 & 56 (1946-7, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1955)
image macro by Nick (2018)

16 August 2018

Return From Fae?

As mentioned yesterday, we're ripping systems open and rebuilding today, so offline most of it. But for a quick post, i'm going do a minor spoiler on Infinity War. Since it's just getting disk release, we'll go ahead and put a spoiler buffer here so you  can avoid even the minor reveal.

Post continues after the trio of Infinity War posters -

  Okay, we're back. 

Now, can we take a moment to appreciate Black Widow's reaction... 

... when she looks over at Thor's arrival with a walking tree and gun-toting raccoon that no-one on Earth has seen before. Obviously, Thor is returning from one of the Fae realms after running around in Faerie Tale land... she really believes he's a "god"

Okay - it's been said before, but - I'm off!

images from Avengers: Infinity War and advertising (2018)

08 August 2018

Strange Wanderings

Some days my mind just wanders on its own, pondering odd intersections...

I found the results amusing enough to share.

art by Ditko, Dark Dimension by Luma Pictures, slapdash editing by -3- (2018)

06 July 2018

Dead Again

Allow me to reflect a moment upon my own personal level of geek.

When The Death Of Superman comic came out back in the early '90s, i was a staff artist for the computer game developer/publisher, Interplay Productions. Even in that sort of culture, i tended to be the hermit weirdo - showing up barefoot or wearing zoris, making art in my cave. For a while there the business card read Art Troll as my official title. (Eventually i settled on Existential Cinematographer since i was making movies of things that didn't exist using non-real cameras in virtual space.) My office walls were generally covered with comic and art posters, often with things like Dinosaurs Attack! bubble gum cards and other odd trading cards lining the spaces between. Typical attire for me was comfy pants, t-shirt, and a loose open shirt over that. Sometimes there was a posterboard area on my wall for spontaneous art releases. It was a weirdo lair in other ways, too. I was older than much of the industry, and married, with children by my former wife, in a land of fresh-out-of-school kids and bachelors with too much stake in their futures to be bothered with women in any serious way. (I was the first one in the company that didn't have a share in it. The 10 who were there before me left as millionaires. So when i say they were busy working on their futures, i mean that in a very real way.)

One day the shoeless-casual dude (it was California, dude is appropriate usage) showed up at the office in a dark suit and tie - shiny shoes - all clean and presentable, with the black armband bearing the S shield, much to the confusion of most of the others. Gamer Geeks ≠ Comic Geeks.
And that's how i was dressed for the rest of that week, in mourning for the fallen Kal-El.

When i sometimes speak out about the wretched affairs that are the mainline DC movies, it's often assumed that i'm some Marvel fanboy who doesn't like DC. Quite the opposite is often true - I grew up favoring the DC characters, even when i preferred what Marvel was doing in their magazines at times. Though, admittedly, in the classic "Are you a Superman fan or a Batman fan -Who do you want to be?" argument, i always sided with Green Lantern. (Even back then, it was obvious to me that an artist should using the ring. Architect John Stewart even hinted at that for us.), and it's that love for the characters that has made me so bitter about their absence from the films. If i talk about the tone of the movies, or pure stupidity of some aspects and scenes, then i'm told i must hate Zach Snyder. Not true - i overall enjoyed his adaptation of Dave Gibbons' work, and i've watched Sucker Punch more times than all of his DC films combined. I just wish he'd make the Marvelman/Miracleman movie he so obviously wants to make instead an Elseworlds version of DC. (Okay - That pooch has already been screwed, and the puppies sold for breeding stock) Out there in the 'DC Extended Universe', i'm loving the hell out of a lot of the DC TV Shows and the DC Animated Movies.

Last week, the latest of those animated movies was released - The Death Of Superman, obviously based on the comic storyline referenced above. While the studio heads are busy trying to figure out how to handle the DCFU*, the folks who've been turning out great stories for a couple decades and more have been quietly building their own film universe with a series of intersecting Batman and Justice League movies for the last four years. This one makes... um, quite a few of them since 2014.
Hmm...  Let's see.

The Batman movies -
Son Of Batman
Batman Vs. Robin
Batman: Bad Blood
and the Justice League had -
Justice League: War
Justice Leabue: Throne Of Atlantis
and then they directly intersected with -
Justice League Vs. Teen Titans
followed by -
Justice League: Dark
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract

Did i miss any?

I'm not sure about Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay. Frankly, it got turned off when Amanda Waller showed up early on and it was the new skinny generic Waller instead of The Wall. You know - the version where some weak artist decided it was too hard to draw Amanda Waller because she didn't look like the what they were used to drawing, or some pervy artist decided it was more fun drawing pretty girls rather than one of the few people in comics that looked like a human being. At that point, we wondered if the right people were still in charge and decided to come back when our expectations weren't as high. It'll probably be a while. There's just too much in the world to be watched in a single human lifetime, so there's always something else.
And i don't remember if the previous animated Suicide Squad movie, Batman: Assault On Arkham, tucked into this film universe or  deviated significantly to meet the source material of the game. I do remember it was superior to, and more enjoyable than, the live action SS movie.

Along the way, they've turned out a couple of enjoyable Elseworlds films, too - Justice League: Gods & Monsters and Gotham By Gaslight. And this is just in the last 4 years - post Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox. (Batman: Ninja comes from a different studio, does it not? What about Scooby Doo & Batman: The Brave & The Bold? It's getting a lot harder to track all this stuff!)

I'm not completely certain that The Death Of Superman takes place in that intersecting universe, though it does feel like it at this point. Let me throw out an "Arrrrrrgghhh!!!" that we have to wait about a year for Reign Of The Supermen to follow up on The Death Of Superman. That said, i'm very glad that they decided to do the story as two separate movies. Far better than trying to crunch it all into one film. It was a good idea with Return Of The Dark Knight, and it's a good plan here.

Even with the abbreviated version of the tale used for the previous Superman: Doomsday, it was still a bit too compressed to build the proper emotional momentum and impact. Once one gets past the highly questionable use of cheek lines in the animation, it did not terrible with the character and story, but still was one of the least memorable DC animated movies of that decade. It was certainly far better than the generic third-act creature upon which they slapped the name Doomsday for the DCFU.

Of course, that means we've got time to see him take on the Justice League...

...before the big showdown...

I still prefer "circus suit" Superman to "ski suit" Superman, and see the Nu52 and other endless reboots as a surrender ("We give up. We can't do as good as those who came before us, so we're just going to redo instead.") But these animated movies based on the newer iterations of the characters are quite enjoyable, and far superior to most of the live action films.

If you haven't yet, check 'em out.

frames from The Death Of Superman (2018)

*(DCEU, or DC Extended Universe, is an unofficial term slapped on by one reporter which really makes no sense. That name would seem to include the comics, films, novels, tv shows, animated movies, etc.,. So for me, i think it's going to be the DC Film Universe when talking about the movies. DCFU just makes more sense. In pretty much every way.)


01 June 2018

June Calendars Is Here

This year's calendar selections for June, for your convenience.
Of course, the Playboy calendar option is available in the mirror of this post in our adult content back room, The Other Voice Of ODD!

Here i was all proud of myself for actually noticing when the 1st of the month rolled around with the way things have been lately. Then, as i was posting to the publication queue, i realized that Friday was upon us.
Well...  we may or may not wind up with a late edition of Friday Fun & Games this evening.
But, what we will have is a 3-part matinee series this weekend, starting this afternoon, featuring Vic Torry And His Flying Saucer!

See you then, eh?

01 April 2018

April Calendars

Hey, Look! I noticed when the new month arrived.
I had doubts, but here're your calendars - on time (sorry)*

The Playboy Calendar for this month is available in the Back Room mirror of this post on The Other Voice Of ODD!

*(sorry about the pun, not about being on time)