Showing posts with label Swinging Johnson Brothers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swinging Johnson Brothers. Show all posts

30 December 2017

Pimping A Russian Mail Order Bride

Regulars know i tend to shy away from tagging specifics on people i talk about here, simply to be respectful to them since they've not given me explicit permission to discuss them with the general public. But, i'm going to break that rule today for a bit of promotion. (Maybe it's Stan's influence?)

I previously made mention of my younger son starring on stage in Las Vegas until the beginning of this year. The unmentioned show was Evil Dead: The Musical (The 4D Experience), winning official approval from Bruce Campbell with his portrayal of Ash, King of Groovy. (or something like that. Ask Jack)

A great role, but after a few years one wants to do other things - especially someone like Chris (AKA Strangling Jack Johnson of the Swinging Johnson Brothers) who acts, does comedy, writes, directs and produces. He needed to stretch again.

Hence, his latest project - a new series on Amazon Prime entitled 100 Nights With Strangling Jack Johnson.
The official description:
"Follow Strangling Jack on his quest to become a working stand up comic - from his first night bombing to his first headlining gig and beyond! The show shares tips and tricks from working comedians about what it takes to start a comedy career."

BTW - you can also find his indie comedy Driving Bill Crazy on Amazon. Here's the description, once again:
"Bill’s life has always been a bit crazy, from his swinger mother and his step father who is four years younger than him to his abusive completely unhelpful psychiatrist to the fact that he works in a mental institution. His boss doesn’t like him and has no problem telling him. The girl he likes just started dating his worst enemy. Just when he thinks his life couldn’t get any loonier, he steps into the twisted world of Cameron and Cary Nolan. A massive head wound causes the prohibition of “Lawn Darts” and simultaneously makes the Nolan brothers rich. They realize that working is for chumps. Scams and fraudulent lawsuits are where the real money’s at, and corporate America is quick to settle out of court…especially when there’s a penis splint involved. After several years of falling down hotel stairs, “finding” rats in their fried chicken, and train derailments, they’ve discovered a new scam far superior to all the others. Evidently there’s plenty of money to be made in the mental health industry especially when you don’t exactly play by the rules. Now there’s a race between the insanity of Bill’s everyday life, and the twisted false reality of squirrels, pills and ninjas created by his new roommates to see which one finally ends up, Driving Bill Crazy."

Oh, yeah.... Confused about the title of this post?
This might help.