Showing posts with label Hillary White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary White. Show all posts

27 July 2017

My Apologies in advance


This Post May Be Disturbing For Some Viewers.
Proceed At Your Own Risk.

Post continues after the Bat-Bumper...

Um...   nope.
I don't have an introduction for this. Rule 34 would be easier to explain.
Better to talk after. I'll put on a pot of tea while you ...  um... - just look

I don't know if familiarity with the original Rubens painting makes first viewing better or worse. I can say that context didn't really help. Also - love the addition of the peeping toms.


What the hell just happened to you?
Hillary White (Rabbit), that's what.
And don't expect her to apologize for it. She'll just slap you again.

That's Waiting To Surprise Bae. (Did you want to know that 'Bae' has been established as Darth Vader in other paintings?)
But, if you like getting slapped like that (I do) then head on over to Hillary's Portfolio and enjoy yourself!