Showing posts with label Colouring Pages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colouring Pages. Show all posts

14 April 2020

Trump Flu Blues Prevention III - Colouring Continued

Winter must be in full retreat. My body seems to have cycled around to waking at, or before, dawn. Last week i was barely to sleep by the time i wake this week. Has the Trump Flu isolation been affecting your sleep patterns? Do you find yourself becoming untethered from the clock?

Anyway, we've got more idle entertainments for passing the hours while hunkered down to avoid Trump Flu.

This morning we've got another dozen and a half colouring pages for an assortment of amusements ranging from Acid Archie riding a dinosaur to a Gil Kane pin-up of the Lone Ranger to the Surfer's Prayer to poster art for the never made sequel to Flesh Gordon. (Not to be confused with Flesh Gordon Meets The Cosmic Cheerleaders, the made sequel to Flesh Gordon)

As i indicated i would do last time, they're a tad smaller - sized to print 8"x10" at 200dpi.

yeah, i suppose i should have paid attention to where these pages came from, eh?
If you want to know about some, ask, and i'll try to track the source(s).

12 April 2020

Trump Flu Blues Prevention I - Colouring C'thul'hu

Yesterday we notioned collecting some art for colouring pages to help keep folks entertained while hunkered down to avoid Trump Flu. The ol' wandering brain seems to have liked that notion and much gathering has occurred. So we'll make it a series. 

Let's kick things off with some actual colouring book pages, this batch from Marc A. Damicis and his -

I got rather carried away with prepping these pages. They're all sized to print at 8"x10" at 300dpi. We should probably stick with 150dpi for future batches. 

Yeah, i'll try to go with something a tad less disturbing for the next batch. But the Lullaby Festival was coming up, so the the Sleeper was on my mind.

Y'know - it can be a lot more fun colouring on the computer. Especially with some of the comic book art we'll be running. So i believe i'll put together a quick beginner's guide for those who haven't tried it. There's nothing like using excess free time to learn while you play. (Yes, i'll point to some free software that can do the job)

page art by Marc A. Damicis from Cthulhu Coloring Book, 2nd. Ed (1997)