Showing posts with label MAMA2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAMA2020. Show all posts

01 August 2020

Back In The USSA

Somebody's been working very hard to get that Dictator's Military Parade he wanted...

Remember way back when we had a government?
Count the felons these days and you'll find we now have a criminal cartel instead.

Remember way back when you could respect the Republicans* even if you didn't agree with them? Back before they openly embraced Facism? (RINO = Republican who doesn't goosestep in proper formation) Back before they became so detached from the real world that they started confusing a Pro-Fact bias with Anti-Conservative?

Remember back when factual reality had value? Back when we were actually capable of solving problems? Now we can't even honestly identify them; too busy warping reality to fit political delusions. 


*(I know some will start thinking "HEY! I'm a Republican and I..."
Let me stop you there. No - you're not. That's a control mechanism.
Unless you're an office holder or policy maker, you're not Republican/Democrat/Whatever. 
You're a Voter.  The mark. The rube. The ones they spend millions upon millions of dollars figuring out what to say to get you to march along with them. They get you to say/think you're whatever so you won't have to think any more.
And at that point, you're not really Republican or Democrat or whatever, either.
You're just their bitch.)

stuff by -3- (2020)

30 July 2020

Fake President, Real Whining

System still crippled by the OS thinking it knows more than the user. An all too often occurring flaw these days. (And all too related to the material below) Trying to deal with multi-image posts as normal isn't viable currently. So let's try some more topical, single-image postings, shall we?

Reality keeps creeping up on Fake President. It must be getting hard to keep that bubble that isolates him from the world in which the rest of us live from popping. And that desperation shows more day by day. Like his ongoing rantings already declaring that the upcoming election is obviously going to be Fake because he's in danger of losing. Badly.

So, as usual, factual reality is his enemy...

Y'know - "Bubble boy" might be a fairly apt nickname for our Fake Pres, eh?

stuff by -3- (2020)