Showing posts with label John Buscema. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Buscema. Show all posts

28 August 2017

Kirby Love (King Kirby 094)

Jack Kirby touched and influenced many younger artists, helping to shape and define us in some ways. So it's no surprise that you'll find artists creating works honoring The King. I showed you mine last time - let's look at some others as we celebrate Jack's 100th today.

Though it could be argued that he should be saved for the big finish, let's open with someone whose Kirby love we've seen before, Alex Ross-

We usually know him for his inks, but Joe Rubenstein captures his old friend wonderfully in pastels -

From the man who truly earned the name Big John when he stepped into Kirby's shoes to take of the Fantastic Four, John Buscema-

We've previously seen John Byrne & Joe Sinnott's collaborative tribute to The King from FOOM, so here's Joe's solo tribute-

 ...and John Byrne's centerfold from that same issue of FOOM, inked by Duffy Vohland-

Tom Palmer's portrait & tribute to Kirby's influence at 75-

Terry Beatty's tribute to both King and creations-

Richard A Fuscia Jr and young Kirby's creative destiny-

JF Woodward's portrait of power-

...and another look at the Power of Kirby from Luis Chichón-

Thomas Boatright tries to capture Kirby's creative energy...

Moti Friedman makes me want to see the insane animated adventures of the King -

The final page of Orbit's Jack Kirby  bio comic sums things up nicely, drawn by Paul Cox with words by John Judy-

Surprise! We did save Alex Ross for the big finish, with his new portrait of Celestial Kirby for his Jack Kirby 100th Birthday Tribute.

I hope you snagged your copy of the print at San Diego, because now the best you can do is get put on the waitlist to hope for another limited release.

This is, of course, only a small sampling of the Kirby Love offered up to the world, and today being the 100th anniversary of Jack Kirby's birth, there's bound to be many new offerings today.

 Jacky Kirby by Alex Ross, Joe Rubenstein, John Buscema, Joe Sinnott, John Byrne, Duffy Vohland, Tom Palmer, Terry Beatty, Richard A Fuscia Jr., J.F. Woodward, Luis Chichón, Thomas Boatright, Moti Friedman, Paul Cox & John Judy

26 July 2017

Marvelite Memories Maximus, Son

Back in the very first issue of FOOM (the official Marvel members-only fanzine) they initiated a new feature, though they had yet to name it Bullpen Bios. I present that page here in full that you may enjoy Stan Lee's bombastic hyperbole in his bio, and for us old geezers, a bit of what John Buscema was doing before he burst onto the late 60s Marvel comics scene. (It was the late 60s - of course it was a 'scene'!)
While reading that introductory word balloon, keep in mind - this is the very first issue.

Notice that to inaugurate this feature, they chose what they thought were the most important figures to introduce - the guys writing & drawing the Fantastic Four - emphasized by using the FF to introduce the feature. They are, after all, the First Family of Marvel Comics. Their adventures form the very core of that universe, both on and off planet Earth.

They are obviously the most important part of the Marvel Comics Universe.

Sure wish the decision makers at Marvel Comics could get their diapers changed and remember that.

(Yeah, yeah. I know. Imitating Snell again. But when the man's right, he's right!)

Page 3 boys from FOOM #1 (1973)