Come on, folks. Break out those vocabularies!
Show me what you got.
Meanwhile, i've been rummaging through the past as old geezers getting senile tend to do; pulling files from old hard drives stashed in dark corners of the cave. I think i'm gonna dump some of it here so i won't lose 'em. Again.
It's an assortment of old works, like some t-shirt designs -
I already ran the Jesus Saves! (And He Keeps Archived Back-Ups) design in a previous post, right? I think so. If not, it can always run later. That one's still in my wardrobe.
Some odd little fake movie posters, most of which were results of Warren Ellis's old remake challenges. Good fun, they were -
This one is nigh on 20 years old now - from way back when the younger son was barely starting his acting/comedy career -
And, no - despite basing the 'movie''s storyline on the Mayan calendar ending, that's not something i believed. I knew full well that there was a 'second page' to the calendar which continues right along from the end of the first. But it made a good movie set-up.
Some fairly random bits...
Hmm... actually, i think that one came from one of Ellis's challenges, too.
This one's turn of the century -
Some guy...
A very different guy...
...and an only slightly even more different guy...
That one was contest prize from the old webcomic. The winner requested the subject matter.
There was another old webcomic called Who's Line Is It Anyhoo?, in which other webcomic creators stepped up to, in this case, answer the question of How Did The Dinosaurs Die Out?
Since i was, at the time, the 'star' of my comic, i appear herein to solve the mystery. They're tall strips, so the system tends to over-shrink them. You'll need to click on 'em if you actually want to read along. I should perhaps warn you that my strip was a bit surreal, a bit mad, y'know...
And a few bits of ink work/play, though i could never decide on several bits for this first one, not even how much white space i wanted to leave in the end...
Okay. Let's call that a post.
I twice participated in 24 Hour Comic Day. Once resulted in a piece of crap about which i can barely remember anything. The other turned out quite nice, and i'm still rather pleased with how it came out, even if there were unfinished bits (like the Raven was apparently albino since i didn't have time to ink the blacks) So far, i've found a small 500 pixel wide version of the pages. Hopefully, further digging will uncover larger images, and we'll see it here before long.
Okay. Let's call that a post-post teaser.
I'm going to go park my body and take off for a while.
Oh, yeah. Those are indeed real words up there at the top. Look 'em up!
art & stuff by -3- (1999-2014)