Showing posts with label Fashion Fiascos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fashion Fiascos. Show all posts

22 July 2017

A Far More Fearsome Manner Of Garb

It seems that i just cannot stop imitating Snell. He has a regular feature over at Slay, Monstrobot that (usually rightly) mocks bad costume design.
He's got it covered. I had no intention of running this feature. None at all. But (and there's always one of those, ain't there?), when reading this morning this outfit just leapt off the pages and bitch-slapped my eyes while that word balloon mocked my sense of reality:

"A Far More Fearsome Manner Of Garb"?!?

Now, don't get me wrong. I love Gil Kane - He rocks up in the top pantheon of my comic book world. But there's been a serious miscommunication somewhere along the way here.

Let's place the blame on M.M. Jr. there, okay? After all, he grew up alone with his father in an alien dimension after some form of divine birth? Spontaneous generation? MM trying to use that wand on his 'biological material' and succeeding? The story never makes clear HOW Molecule Man has a son. Maybe Earth's superheroes threw an infant in with him when they ousted him to that dimension? You wouldn't think they'd go along with something like that, but then - look at what happened to Carol Danvers...

Anyway, the combination & juxaposition of word and image here hit so hard, it even formed a logo:

And so a feature is born. But, damn.
Folks gonna have to work to to get their weak dren over this starting bar.

From Marvel Two-In-One #1 by Steve Gerber, Gil Kane & Joe Sinnott (1974)