Showing posts with label Frankie Future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frankie Future. Show all posts

18 January 2019

VEP's Frankie

While we're in the neighborhood(s), let's stop and look at a strip that Victor Pazmiño did for Famous Funnies shortly after Seaweed Sam. Shifting from the seven seas to the starry skies for his new direction, we got the short lived Frankie Future.

As far as i can determine, there were only these seven episodes. There may, however, have been one prior to what we have here. We start with issue #82 here. I've never seen #81, and nobody seems to even know what the issue contained. The Grand Comics Database has nothing more than the cover, and that they only have from when it was reprinted later. If somebody has a copy of the issue - they're not telling.

As for the story, it might have started with the short statement i the first panel, or there could have been a previous installment that left him in this predicament. Perhaps time will tell...

"Who is the 'Speaker', and What is in the chest?"

I don't think Unsolved Mysteries covered this one.

EDIT: Yes, i saw that they announced a revival of Unsolved Mysteries today. I put this in the queue yesterday and had no clue at the time.

page art by Victor Pazmiño for Famous Funnies #s 82-88 (1941)