Showing posts with label Art Mysteries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Mysteries. Show all posts

31 July 2017

Art Mysteries - or WhoTF? - first in an endless series

Simple question:
Whose work is this?

These images contain nudity.
Following the restructure of this site,
adult material has been moved to our back room.
(Text remains for you to be able to decide if you wish to go look)

The signature reads rogers, but that's less helpful than one might hope. These illustrations were published in Knight magazine, cover dated September 1966, book-ending an unrelated Harlan Ellison story.
That's too early for a then-16 years old Marshall Rogers, rather late and/or stylistically wrong for Hubert Rogers, Alva Rogers, Howard Rogers, or Julie Homberger Rogers - all of whom have been known to do illustration work - and the signature is all wrong any of them.

For the intellectually curious, the upper illustration is for an article entitled That Old Sex Magic (on dark arts used to lure lovers) and The Night Is For Running, a story by Allan Nixon.
Knight was a California based publication, so his (her?) work could have appeared in a variety of magazines from the period. Unfortunately, that issue was grabbed simply because i had not encountered the magazine before - so no more on hand to go digging through.
I'm definitely curious to see more. Perhaps even some sequential art and not just single story snapshots, but i'll take what i can find.

Any clues who this is?

I'll be sure to update if i find more.

Illustrations from Knight v.5 #8 (1966)