Showing posts with label Paul Norris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Norris. Show all posts

05 July 2020

Missing Magnus

We will get back to Kit West
As is too frequently the case these days, my brain doesn't want to go there just now, and i'm tired of fighting it. 
So, meanwhile...

When asked about my all-time favourite Super Hero Team, it was always an easy answer - The Legion Of Super-Heroes. I just loved the mix of superheroics and science fiction. (And, yes - of course, that means that i was reading Marvel's 'knock-off' - the Guardians Of The Galaxy - from page one)

So, it's not surprising that i was a big fan of Magnus, Robot Fighter. Naturally, Russ Manning's, and later Paul Norris's, artwork certainly didn't hurt to draw me in. (No pun intended, really)

But, despite the high quality and personal preference, the series never did as well as it should have. With issue #29 they switched to reprints to save costs. Even in reprints, the book continued for another eight years of quarterly issues.

But, when they switched to the reprint format, there was already a story in the works which got tossed into the files and forgotten for years.

Fortunately, every now and again, somebody seems to go digging in the files. So here are the pencil pages by Paul Norris, written by Mike Royer, for the issue between #s 28 & 29 with a story called Programmed For Revenge -

page art by Paul Norris from Unpublished Magnus, Robot Fighter (drawn in 1969)