Showing posts with label Kooba Cola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kooba Cola. Show all posts

16 February 2020

Tagging Your RMMV (nope, not the vehicle)

Rather surprisingly, the posts with material for RPG Maker MV have actually gotten repeated views. Or, perhaps not so surprising since there's a dearth of Modern Tilesets for RMMV, and most are not of the Free Community Assets variety.

Pleasantly surprisingly, there is a KOOBA Cola Facebook group/account/whatever them things are. Nice to see KOOBA is not forgotten.

Today we've got a Modern Tileset with no buildings or structures. It's all purely decorative. Half of the set is simply graffiti and wall art for decorating your city. 

Why half a set?

Because i cleaned out all the game specific graffiti, the taunts to the PC, and the all with foul language beyond tits and ass. Well, i did keep one, but i changed it to read "For A Good Time, Go Love Yourself!"

For the other half, some will be a repeat from earlier sets. We've got an assortment of Business Names, Menu Boards, Drink Machines, Campus Posters, Velvet Ropes, Plaques, and a few odd bits.

(This image, of course, links to a Transparent PNG file for RMMV)

Some of the graffiti images are taken from actual graffiti and contains the work of other artists. For your reference, those are keyed here in red: 

Things Of Which To Be Aware:

Remember that you can stack two tiles on top of the base tile, so graffiti can be layered. You can also add a third layer by making the top layer an event. This can also be used to make the graffiti more dynamic. For example, one gang might mark it's turf with a skull symbol. Using conditional triggers, graffiti can appear or disappear as gangs gain or lose control of an area.
I also use that process to post graffiti with threats or taunts targeted to the Player Character.

Also note that in the lower right corner are 12 pin-up calendar pages. Set these as the images for 12 pages of an event that tracks time, and you've got a calendar that changes every month.

To properly use the Velvet Ropes, use the Passage (4 Dir) button on the Database/Tilesets screen and uncheck left or right on the left and right vertical rope tiles. That makes the ropes un-passable while leaving the tile space open.

And, finally - Note that beneath the KOOBA machines are 3 KOOBA posters (repeated for placement in one or two tiles, as needed). If you're like me, you like to let people be able to look at posters on the wall. These are sized at 720p, since that's the native resolution for my game -

Also note that my world uses Credits as the base currency, so the symbol has been changed. If anyone needs it at a different currency for their game, let me know.

For you KOOBA fans who don't give a dren about any of the rest of it, here's just the KOOBA tiles -

tileset by -3- (2020)

11 September 2019


We've got a little add-on to the midnight post. This City, as the place i've been piddling with in RMMV is called, has only one soda available to its denizens. We were talking about it early last month - the soda that never existed, KOOBA. This also gives me an excuse to run one of the adverts omitted from the previous post -

The add-on to the tiles from this morning is simply three various coloured Kooba Cola machines:

These were reworked from some tiles for which i have no clue whence they came. I've been digging through old hard drives and folks may have noticed that i'm perhaps not the most organized individual on the planet. Never used to need to be before the internal Editor quit.

Anyway - KOOBA Lives!

04 August 2019

Drink To Me Only With Kooba

I have expressed previously my great preference for original old comics over reprints, despite improvements in printing technology. One very prominent reason for that is the advertisements. They turn old comics into time capsules, capturing little bits of life that are often long forgotten.

For example, do you remember "America's Favorite Cola Drink with Vitamin B1" - Kooba Cola?

Not seeming familiar?
They even had big contests and prizes...

...and in a particularly cool move, they gave out free sodas via coupons in the comics. (Yep, one more reason to not be able to find those old books in good shape)

There was, however, one particularly Odd bit about Kooba Cola - 

It didn't exist.

See that note at the bottom of the ad above?
"If your Dealer happens to be out of KOOBA or has yet to be supplied, mail the coupon..."

The entire campaign was an attempt by Victor Fox (from whom Fox comics get their name) to create a demand for Kooba Cola, which he would then license to a soda manufacturer using the pre-existing demand to gain favorable contract conditions. Kooba may have been derived from Cuba, where Fox had sugar interests - likely tying into a further profit angle for the whole scheme. 

Had it worked out, folks would have called him genius. Instead, he just lost a lot of advertising dollars and effort, but avoided losing much greater capital investments in an actual product.

The biggest victim of the plan, besides his advertising department?

Possibly the Blue Beetle. Kooba Cola was a sponsor of his radio show - in the scripts, at least. But a sponsor that paid no advertising rate. That had to hurt. I've seen it said that caused the show to go off the air after only a few months, but also have seen reference to the show lasting for 3 years or more, broadcasting from WMCA in New York City. I'll let someone who knows radio better sort that one out.

A little bonus - as long as we're doing adverts today anyway, let's close with a sampling from the Blue Beetle radio show -

ads from issues of Mystery Men, Rex Dexter and Wonderworld Comics (1940)