Showing posts with label 2005. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2005. Show all posts

05 August 2020

Good Morning!

Another day in the "land of the free"...

Of course, these days when they talk "Freedom" in the circles of power, they mean it in the same way that Slave Traders used the term when they spoke of abolition as a threat to their freedom.

And you better look close at who's filling in the other side of that equation.


The inner hermit has been rising up with the internet machine issues and actively rebelling against a quick fix. It's even dragged me to spend days without connecting to the net at all. When's the last time you did that?

And it's been odd when i am online since i'm booting this system from a USB stick. All my normal browser info is absent - like bookmarks. How well could you get around these days if you had to type in the URL for every location you want to visit? How many could you  recall properly?

And - DAMN! The default browser on the stick doesn't have add-ons, like AdBlocker. At least half of the sites visited got shut down within seconds as being completely unusable in the raw. That sure helps cut down on the internet time - i'm simply not enough of a submissive bitch to stay on so many of those sites. Do people actually visit more than once?

Perhaps the worst are the ones who seem  to use high school interns to design their dynamic layouts. Ads with different dimension load and the page shuffles, moving the point you're reading elsewhere - go find it, bitch!
Seriously? They put that up on the web and they're not so embarrassed that they immediately pulled it down to avoid the shame?

Or do the site owners only visit with their AdBlock turned on, so they have no clue how broken their own pages are?

ANYWAY (again) ...
The net sure works hard to please my inner hermit these days. They give it lots of reasons to stay offline.

On the comics front, i've been excited about the idea of Probably The Best Superhero Comic Book In The Universe being in development for an animated series. Even though it was published after the big two pushed me out of the comic book market, i still managed to read the first 100 issues. Now i've gone back to re-read them and catch up on the remaining almost 50 issues that i missed. And along the way i discovered that Marvel Team-Up he did with Spider-Man!

I wonder if there are other appearances i missed?

You're all excited for Invincible, too - right?
Or do you just love The Walking Dead?
(They're both written by Robert Kirkman)

Let's go ahead and try to add a few covers here. Maybe the system will be nice and not fight back over just 3 images...

The first cover of Invincible was quite unassuming in its way, with a sweet little teaser line - 

Girls, acne, homework, super-villains.
When you're a teenager, it helps to be

The book hit the ground running with a clear vision and a deep world surrounding our hero. A dozen and a half issues in, they boasted a new tagline the likes of which we hadn't seen since the glory days of Lee & Kirby with their World's Greatest Comics Magazine blurb on the Fantastic Four. And like that old classic, the material under the covers made solid arguments to support their claim of  Probably The Best Superhero Comic Book In The Universe -

I tend to assume that most comic fans are already well familiar with, and have read the run of, Invincible. If not, with the series now going into production, it might be a good time to check and see why so many folks loved this new hero...

There - see?
I managed to drag the brain back around to comics.

I'll see if we can't coax it to do some regular comics & media posts. Maybe i can trick it into watching the sequel to Viy and let you know how that worked out...

stuff by -3-, covers by Cory Walker and Ryan Ottley from Invincible #s 1, 18, & 42 (2003, 2005, 2007)

04 June 2018

Blue Monday Bonus - Un-Comics From The Sewer

Say you're a fan of 'trashy' movies. You love discovering what weird creations have sprung from the minds of those artists who dwell off on the sidestreets, far from the main Boulevard of Dreams.
Where do you go to find them?

Okay. You go to the internet these days - though it can be a daunting expedition that may leave one suffering from things that can never be unseen. It's often safer to find a trusty guide. For the past 20+ years, one man has put his sanity on the line for us, bringing back his (and his team's) reports from the Cinema Sewer - a guide named Robin Bougie. We'll be talking more about the magazine, but today's focus is on their frequent use of Un-Comics for both stories and reviews.

That's the focus of the latest post in our adult content 'back room'. To view the accompanying artwork, visit the full post on The Other Voice Of ODD!
The rest of the text is presented here for context (and search engines, since they can't get past doorman)

Given the focus of the magazine, it should come as no surprise that the creators seem completely unfettered, in the finest underground comix tradition. They are designed to express personal voices - quite bluntly and proudly. (In the dark corners of my mind, the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny is fought between Robin Bougie and Chris Gore, both summoning their troops from the best/worst of cinema)

So, here's a sampling of Cinema Sewer Un-Comics, ranging from film reviews to slice-of-life experiences to a History Of Bukkake and celebrity features and condemnations...

They even did a profile on The Fake Detective, Ed Lake -

Ed's done some great work over the years. I encountered him back in the late '90s while crafting some fakes (all clearly labelled, per his suggestion). The few months i spent playing with those taught me more about Photoshop than a decade of professional work using the tool. (In case you were wondering why.)

Sorry - couldn't find any on the active systems. I'd have to go digging in the archives to find examples.

page art by Robin Bougie, Kim Dietch, D.J. Bryant, David Paleo, Phil Barrett, Josh Simmons, Priscilla Equis, Joseph Bergin III, and Hugo for  Cinema Sewer #s 16, 18, 19, 20 & 22 (2005-2009)

17 February 2018

Saturday Solutions - Part I

Answers? We got answers.

Here's the first batch - the solutions to yesterday's Doctor Who quiz collection:

puzzle pages from Doctor Who Funfax and  Doctor Who Battles In Time #s 2, 25 & 26 (2005, 2006, 2007)