Showing posts with label Newspaper Strips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newspaper Strips. Show all posts

25 September 2019

Before Brightburn, Before Superman...

What happens with super powers in the hands of a child? The terrible potential of super powered toddlers is not a new topic for fiction. In fact, the notion pre-dates comic book heroes like Superman by decades. (But a few years after Hugo Hercules)

Let us meet Lovely Lilly, who had her brief run in the newspaper comics back at the end of 1906 and beginning of 1907. Lilly comes to us from the mind and quill of Carolyn Wells, back before she turned her prolific pen to mystery tales. The lovely renderings of Lilly are by George Frederick Kaber, who is better known for his paintings. The strip only lasted a couple of months, and not a lot of them survive today.

The comics typically let us see what happens when a child of power encounters the dangerous creatures dwelling in this world. Here we have the Hippo, the Crocodile, and the Tiger...

Wasn't she sweet?

strips by Carolyn Wells & G.F. Kaber (ca. 1906)

04 March 2019

Shaking It Off

So, obviously i've been rather down lately while my mind has been off doing it's own thing. Let's brighten things up and shake off some of those shadows to start the week, eh?

How about some old Disney comics? That should cheer things up. So let's go way back to 1930 and enjoy some of those early Mickey Mouse newspaper comics -

Need new plan.

strips by Floyd Gottfredson (under suggestion & guidance of Walt Disney) for Mickey Mouse dailies (October 8-24 1930)

11 August 2018

3-Day Weekend Matinee - Full Colour Buck

Our weekend matinee continues, as one might surmise from the title. We're continuing with the same features all weekend, so let's keep the introduction to a minimum and head right into our stories. Our ongoing serial, Twin Earths, was created by Oskar Lebeck and Alden McWilliams, and today's Buck Rogers tale comes from Angus P. Allan and Martin Asbury. (I have no clue if he was doing his own colours, or if another artist was involved)

Previously on Twin Earths: FBI agent Garry Verth is liaison to Vana, the defector from Terra - another world orbiting the sun opposite the Earth. He and his team have just tested a telecommunications device captured from agents of Terra, and in the process they have discovered that the operatives from the Twin Earth are based in Washington DC!

Twin Earths - Chapter 13:

To Be Continued...

On to the first full colour episode of Look-In magazine's Buck Rogers comic -

art from Twin Earths newspaper strips (1952) and Look-In v10 #s 50-52, v11 #s 1-4 (1980-1981)

10 August 2018

3-Day Weekend Matinee - Far Beyond My Time

As previously noted, excepting the original presentation which ran in Heavy Metal back in '79, i completely missed the Buck Rogers revival comic strip from Jim Lawrence and Gray Morrow. There was another Buck Rogers comic back then which i did catch, though most folks in the USA may have missed it - even though it was based on the US television series starring Gil Gerard and Erin Gray:

Look-In is a UK magazine which featured comic series often based on tv shows. The issue in which Buck debuted also featured comics starring Benny Hill, Charlie's Angels, The Smurfs, Mork & Mindy, and the now largely forgotten Sapphire & Steel. (And, no - I can't read those old Benny Hill strips without hearing Yackety Sax) These were typically serialized stories in short 2-page chapters.

Before we get to our main feature, of course, we have our ongoing serial - Twin Earths from Oskar Lebeck and Alden McWilliams.

Previously on Twin Earths: Vanna is a defector from Terra - Earth's more technologically advanced twin in the same orbital position hidden by the sun. Having allied herself with the FBI, she has been educating her liason, agent Garry Verth, and his team about her culture and science. After revealing the existance of "Space Islands," what we would call Space Stations, Vanna helps them to create a detection system. Meanwhile, the FBI has discovered a "telviphone" - a combination telephone and television - and is attempting to learn more about it and the technology involved...

Twin Earths - Chapter 12

To Be Continued...

Our Buck Rogers tale is written by Angus P. Allan, with artwork from Martin Asbury. Angus was the sole writer for the series, but there were three artists who rotated over the not-quite 2 1/2 years the series ran, with two of the three returning for a second engagement.
The story that kicked off the series: The Praxonian Conquest -


As noted above, the continuing adventures (and so the next two tales) were presented in full colour.
Here's the cover of the issue in which the series premiered:

Oh... If you were wondering about that title "Far Beyond My Time" - Buck Rogers, like M*A*S*H, was a tv show that used an instrumental theme song which had featured lyrics in the movie version. And, with both shows, i got a lot of weird looks when i sang along with the theme. (The lyrics to Suicide Is Painless certainly didn't help) The theme for Buck Rogers was titled Suspension, by Kipp Lennon. The lyrics -
Far beyond the world I've known, far beyond my time
What am I, who am I, what will I be?
Where am I going and what will I see?
Searching my mind for some truths to reveal
What thoughts are fantasy, what memories real?

Long before this life of mine, long before this time
What was there, who cared to make it begin?
Is it forever or will it all end?
Searching my past for the things that I've seen
Is it my life or just something I dreamed?

(Instrumental break)

Far beyond this world I've known, far beyond my time
What kind of world am I going to find?
Will it be real or just all in my mind?
What am I, who am I, what will I be?
Where am I going and what will I see?

art from Twin Earths newspaper strips (1952) and Look-In v10 #s 43-39 (1980)