Showing posts with label WKRP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WKRP. Show all posts

20 December 2017

The Mystery Solved!

Since the US election campaign of 2016, the world has been asking itself one question...  What the actual fuck was that guy thinking?
Does he not own mirrors? (I could see a flat screen display with image correction software replacing his mirrors) Or are his mirrors all color skewed with gold plated so he'll look "classy" in reflection?
What was going on here...

Finally, the answer has been found.

When bumbling businessman Arthur Carlson found himself trapped as a candidate in an election he no longer wanted to win, this is how he appeared on television for the debate:

TV based decision making - of course! It was all a desperate ploy to lose the election inspired by the WKRP In Cincinnati episode, Carlson For President (S02E06). I'm sure it seemed like it would work - it worked on TV.
Matt & Trey may have called this one correctly.

SO much makes more sense now...

Gordon Jump as Arthur Carlson from WKRP In Cincinnati (1979)