Showing posts with label Lovelorn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lovelorn. Show all posts

28 January 2020

Random Post Day

I've been feeling rather disconnected from the outside world (even more than my norm), and very wrapped up in the painting and design work. So there was no blog post planned at all this morning. Oh, sure, we've got more Space Mice and things lying in wait, but the ol' frenemy brain wasn't going there just now.

So, i decided to just grab a random comic out the back corners of the cave and see what we got. It turned out to be Justice #23 from Atlas Comics back in 1951. The first page was the start of a sweet bit of art from John Tartaglione, a name familiar to old fans.

"Perfect!" thought i. 

We won't be seeing that today. (But soon)
The book ended with a tale from Bill Molno. Well, that's a nice bit of intersection - we just saw how Molno was ghosting for Jerry Shuster only a week ago.

Sometimes Random works pretty well. Better yet, i found two more tales drawn by Molno in a couple other random issues pulled from the same year. So, enjoy some random Crime and Romance comics from the brush of Bill Molno -

Oh - and if you're wondering about how the painting is going...   The current batch would have to appear in our back room, so we won't be going there just now.

Even Kelly is embarrassed to be there...

page art by Bill Molno from Justice #23, Lovelorn #14, and Crime And Punishment #37 (1951), paint art by -3- (2020)