You didn't come here looking for the answers to yesterdays' King Kirby 100 Crossword Challenge, did you? I said i was going to give you extra time to work on that one.
So, let's try to pierce the Veil and turn to The King for some other solutions, shall we?
Mr. Kirby - um....
How does one see so far, as You did?
Okay. That's not quite what i meant.
Your vision seemed so wide ranging - how do we perceive the worlds around us with the clarity You demonstrated?
All right. Obviously, this isn't the right line of inquiry. Let's take this in a different direction -
How can one live beyond death, as You have done?
Well, that's more interesting. Now You've got me thinking about some of Your other creations. After hearing this tale, i wonder what Captain America would have been like if it was a western, like BullsEye...
Well, that's pretty cool - An American Icon x 2. Makes me wonder what he would have been like if Cap had been around earlier - at the formation of the USA?
Ha! The Red Skull makes it glorious!
I don't think the Veil will stay parted much longer... One last answer -
How did Thor earn the right to weild Mjolnir? How did he prove he was worthy? Did he just walk up and grab the hammer, or were there some sort of trials?
all page art by Jack Kirby & co. from Classics Illustrated Special #165a (1961), BullsEye #6 (1955), Marvel Treasury Special #1 (1976), and Journey Into Mystery #100 (1964)