Showing posts with label Miriam Schlein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miriam Schlein. Show all posts

22 December 2019

Enjoy It, No Matter How You Spell It

Hanukkah is the most popular spelling.
Chanukah is second. There is a list with at least 16 spellings for the holiday. 

Sometimes it's simpler to just say it with pictures...

No matter how you spell it, today is the first day of Hanukkah for 2019. Like Easter, one needs to be a scholar or own a calendar to know when to celebrate each year. It's a major religious holiday known to most in this country, but not everyone who isn't Jewish knows just what they're celebrating.

Fortunately, it's not hard to find out -

Hanukkah (the book, not the holiday) was written by Miriam Schlein and illustrated by Katherine Kahn to teach children about the holiday. Let's read along and learn with them, shall we? (My apologies for the small size and quality of the scans - resources were quite limited.)

And now you've got the basics.

Umm - okay.

There might still be a thing or two to learn...

page art by Katherine Kahn from Hanukkah and Chris Sheridan from Motorcycle Samurai-The All-Star Hanukkah Special (1983, 2016)