Showing posts with label Ed Gruskin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ed Gruskin. Show all posts

02 August 2019

Now Don't Give Us No Trouble

Not long ago, we looked at Trouble. Jasper "Trouble" Jones, that is. Or is it Wilfred "Trouble" Berlad? Or perhaps Phinius "Trouble" Elbuort? He's got trouble with names, too. 

Friend to Koppy "Supersnipe" McFadd, and walking statistical anomaly. Let's take in a trio of tales to see just how much trouble Trouble brings. (And how very different the culture was in them long ago days)

Try to imagine the reaction if this was published today -

It was a rough world for yesterday's kids, eh? But, it's a good thing for Trouble that it wasn't modern times and attitudes when they thought he was homeless...

Before we go...
As mentioned, yesterday was off watching Avengers: Endgame. Most of you have likely already seen it by now.

Did you catch the march of this sinister duck?

Go Howard!

page art by George Marcoux from Supersnipe v.4 #s 3, 8, & 11 (1948)

21 July 2019

If You Ask Me - This Is A Job For Supersnipe!

Koppy (Supersnipe) McFad* lived in a very odd little town, even when adjusted for looking back into a different time. How many towns other than Yapburg do you suppose decided "Hey! That kid is the Happiest, so we need to make him more happy!"
Okay, yeah - they do that all the time. But how many say that's what they're doing?
*(Yes, i know i spell McFadd elsewhere, but it changes story to story, and so it changes.)

In Yapburg, they not only do that, they do it every week! Ed Gruskin and George Marcoux tell us all about it...

<Insert SFX: Record scratch mixed with screeching brakes> 

Um, wait - What?

Koppy is Trouble's 'protecter'? 
Trouble is a boy?

When did this happen? Last we saw in Supersnipe, Trouble was Dotty's dog! Okay, we didn't actually see that. We looked at Dotty Loves Trouble before they added the dog named Trouble, but we did mention it. So... who's this guy?

Let's journey back a year earlier and find out, with the full 23 page tale Introducing - "Trouble"...

Despite that ending, Trouble's curse remained. He returned for a few stories, eventually getting his own short feature - just five appearances ranging from 3-8 pages each.

Since it wasn't in our previous collection, here's the cover for Trouble's first appearance - 

page art by George Marcoux for Supersnipe v.2#8 and v.3#9 (1945, 1946)

15 April 2018

Sunday Matinee Triple-Feature-In-One

Welcome back to our weekend visit with old friends. We've got something special for the main feature on today's matinee - a triple team-up with Supersnipe, Ulysses Q. Wacky and Herlock a full length adventure; 25 full pages from back when other heroes were only getting 8-12 for their stories. Or less.

First up though - Jet Dream and her Stunt-Girl Coutnerspies!
For our bracketing tales this time, let's focus on the newest S-GC, Ting, whom we met yesterday. First, a two-spy mission with just Jet & Ting -

We've seen before how Supersnipe has crossed paths with other superheroes like Doc Savage and The Shadow. This time our heroic trio (no, not the ladies) teams up with a hero of a different kind...

And, finally - the penultimate episode of Jet Dream - The Terror Of Ting-A-Ling

We've covered about half of the Stunt-Girl Counterspies' adventures this past week. I'm sure the other half will show up before too long. (After all - the artwork is already prepped & ready to go.)

Jet Dream by ?? and Joe Certa for The Man From UNCLE #s 14 & 21, Supersnipe by Ed Gruskin & George Marcoux for Supersnipe v3 #3 (1967, 1968, 1946)