Showing posts with label Supreme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supreme. Show all posts

20 August 2017

The King And More (King Kirby 077)

I promised more of our Kirby In Comics feature today, and we've got some good ones to fill that promise.
Going back to late 1968 and early '69 in Not Brand Echh #s 11, 12, & 13, let's start with a trinity of parodies of The King -

Of course, there was that time Alan Moore had Supreme meet Jack Kirby...

Just gotta love that tribute to one of Jack Kirby's greatest covers:

 Of course, how does Moore treat The King inside? Let's look and see...

Whole Lotta Love there. Almost called Jack Kirby God or something.
Of course, there's that time the Fantastic Four actually met God...

...and from a meta standpoint, it's an inarguable truth.

Jack Kirby stars in Not Brand Echh #s 11, 12, & 13 (1968-9), Supreme: The Return #6 (2000), and Fantastic Four #511 (2004)