27 September 2017

Johnny Mack Brown - Educational Cowboy

Once upon a time there was a cowboy star named Johnny Mack Brown.
JMB had him some comic books, and he didn't seem to be quite like the other cowboy movie stars...

Ah, yeah - exciting adventures in boot polishing!

Really, he did have some good adventures (stay tuned) but he surely didn't seem to be all in-your-face about being the man's man cowboy, now did he? And, as noted above, his comics were Educational type publications. Learn the history and culture of the Old West, one page at a time!

And, of course, what's Cowboy Westerns without the music?

pages from Johnny Mack Brown #s 541, 834 & 922 (1954, 1957, 1958)


  1. In the very early 1930s, he was a contract player at MGM, and may have appeared mostly in chick flicks. Although he did star as Billy the Kid in a western co-starring Wallace Beery as Pat Garrett.

    For the rest of his career, he seems to have starred in "B" Westerns. There was a 1940s Monogram series with Raymond Hatton as his sidekick.

    When he got too old to play the cowboy hero, he became a character actor, playing supporting parts in westerns well into the 1960s.

  2. Thanks for commenting on this, TC!
    My mind wandered off and never came back here, though i alluded to more ahead.
    I need to take a look at more of his move work. I'm really only familiar from the comics - of which he had more than one might suspect. Between his appearances in Dell's Four Color and his own title (along with scattered stories in other titles), he's got about 130 story credits listed. He appeared fairly regularly in comics between 1942 - 1959. I'm guessing that's about when he was transitioning to character actor, as you noted in your comment.

    Now that you've nudged my peripatetic mind in that direction, i'll have to prep some of those "good adventures" to which i referred above.
