22 September 2017

Friday Fun & Games 010 - 60s Style

As you may well know, i only vote for Friday Night Fights, so instead around these parts we do

This week's FF&G is excerpted from an odd little book from 1966:

This was indeed an odd collection of trivia questions, ranging from the ridiculously easy to the WTF?
For example, the first question in the book is "What was Superman able to do to tall buildings?"
Others have become quite arcane over the ages - "What was the maiden name of Dick Tracy's wife?"
How many of you knew Dick Tracy had a wife? What was going on with Breathless Mahoney then? (still her best album)
We'll be coming back to play with this book again, so cheaters go find your copies now. For today, here's a few pages from early in the book for you to puzzle over:

As almost always, tune in tomorrow for the answers!

puzzle fun from The Great Comics Game by John Stanley & Mal Whyte (1966)


  1. This is the first I've heard of anyone being as "swift as Aphrodite"--is that a euphemism for something dirty?


  2. Thanks, MB - I forgot to comment on that, and that odd error was why i chose these pages to go first.
