Showing posts with label Ramblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramblings. Show all posts

10 July 2019

They're Still Asking For Henrietta!

Captain Frank T. Moss, as rendered by Frank Borth

We'll be continuing with The Enchanted Flivver directly, and running the full first story over the course of the week.

As the lack of post yesterday and the still-no-response-to-comments may suggest, there's a lot of struggle going on between me and the mind. Sadly, it's not wanting to go wandering - it's simply wanting to not. It lately prefers to embrace a mental dial tone and the void. There was quite a bit of that during the recent down time. To the point that a good day was one spent playing games, simply because the mind was at least sort of doing something rather than just vegetating in front of a video. The heights of recent creative work has been nothing more than creating custom decorations for my Fallout 4 game world. (Keeping it dark and twisted, y'know)I think the last actual painting i did was for Jack Kirby's centennial - nearly two years ago.

Usually those dry spells last perhaps six months at most, and then i emerge on the other side with a bump up in the level of work i'm doing. Better be a hell of a bump this time.

Anyway - pages are being prepped and i've got a leash on the brain for a bit. With any luck, it might even cooperate when i try to correspond. (As opposed to the previous zone outs leaving time gaps - oh, joy) Thanks Nick, Dave, & TC, for the remarks - i do enjoy them and they do reinforce the positive effects of maintaining this link to the outer world. (And i've replied at least twice, according to my wicked trickster mind. But it didn't want to talk about that today, as i had intended. Ha! Snuck one past it!)

We'll be back with the second chapter of The Enchanted Flivver in half an hour, so this Ramblings post will soon be buried and we can proceed along on our merry way.

And maybe we'll even get to that time Darth Vader attacked planet Earth sometime soon...

27 June 2019

(Don't) Send In This Coupon Today!

A lot of readers passing through here tend to see most all of the superhero movies released every year.

So, you all saw this one that came out in late 2018, right?

Solid arguments could be made that they handled the basic idea (localized) better than John Cleese & John Byrne. That ain't bad, all by itself. But they added their own unique spin, too.

But, we'll get to that.

As mentioned (probably too often), i'm still getting my brain back up and running around here. That being the case, i've yet to start getting ahead on the posting queue. Today was my excursion out of the cave to visit the med techs. No longer down the hill - they opened up a location outside the city limits so it's right close by. Close enough to walk, assuming the nerve damage in the feet is being nice. (Spoiler: It was)

Back to the cave now, but fair wiped as is often the case after the trek.

Those of you who enjoy doing the math likely already realize there's no real post today. Just that teaser above, a bit of ramble in the middle, and an odd little bit at the end.

What magazine do you suppose Captain Marvel (Shazam, not Kree) enjoys reading in his down time?


Thinking about it?

Trickier question once we factor in Billy Batson and mix with the Wisdom Of Solomon and his being in adult form while reading, as implied by the phrasing of the question.

Got an answer?

I'm guessing you picked wrong...

ad page from Rocket Kelly #2 (1945)

24 June 2019

...We've Seen The Odd Disturbance Or Two...

There are times when my mind and i are ... i guess 'frenemies' is probably the best term these days. I've made mention of how it can wander away from me, and that was a major part of the recent down time.

That's terribly vague and offers little understanding of how things can work around here...

Aside from my odd existence as a hermit (I typically interact with other humans twice a month - fetching supplies and letting the med techs poke & take their samples. Hermit.) things can get kind of weird for how my mind and i interact. Much of the time, we're quite chill together. We were a top performance team for a long time, after all. But other times...

Here's an every day type example of how it sometimes work.

I was debating what to make for dinner for a bit. I was feeling like doing breakfast for dinner with some bacon, eggs & hash browns or cooking up some pork chops and some black pepper beans with some bisquits or corn bread to sop it up. Eventually i wound up deciding on something in between instead - pork chops & hash browns. (Hash browns can make for some pretty good dinner taters when the mood is right) So, i get up and go to cut a couple chops off some pork loin.

A bit later i realize that i've minced the pork loin and i'm chopping up onion, bell pepper, cilantro & garlic. Apparently i'm making tacos for dinner.

Now, don't get me wrong. They were very good tacos (scratch, not packet mix, cooked street style) and i enjoyed them quite a bit. I just wasn't really involved in the decision making process.

Not surprisingly, this makes it fairly impossible for me to work these days when i can't reliably depend upon my mind to go where the editor/publisher needs it to be. Hence the early retirement.

Generally speaking, we maintain an equitable accord. But when it gets a mood, it's quite difficult, if not impossible, to work against it. Push harder, and it's got all those little mental tricks to divert and distract, or to zone out and shut down. Dirty tricks, they is.

Hopefully, i'll write more about things upstairs over time. It would be good for me, even if boring for you. At least it gives a little insight into what happened when things went quiet around here.

Don't worry.

I'm pretty sure none of this ever happened now...

art from Sensational She-Hulk #s 11 & 47 (1990, 1993)

19 June 2019

Does Satan Dance The Funky Chicken 'Neath The Harvest Moon?

We've just got a meandering Ramblings post here today. There's a new post featuring Ellis Chambers' work in Jolly Jingles over on The 1940s Funny Animalphabet if you're in the mood for some comic reads.

Meanwhile, since i'm still getting back up to speed, we're taking it easy here today. But, you might be wondering about that title above on this post. As you may have noticed, the trend on this new wave of postings has been to take the title from the text of the material under discussion. "Does Satan Dance The Funky Chicken 'Neath The Harvest Moon?" is the chosen line from the piece in progress, but it wants a different title - Deadpool's Big Green Mama. And i'm going to go with it.

This ain't her, but it is a direct hint -

(Who says The Rump can't read? This sure sounds like it)

Meanwhile, on with the ramblings...

Happy Birthday to Bumper Robinson!

If you're a comic book media fan, you should know his name. Bumper's been around in comic & genre work for most of his life. He was only 13 when he co-starred on the 1987 tv movie version of The Spirit (vastly superior to the theatrical movie from a couple decades later) as Eubie (Ebony in the comics) alongside Sam Jones and Nana Visitor as Denny and Ellen. By that point, he was already an experienced actor with over a score of appearances including the alien child in the scifi classic Enemy Mine and a recurring role as Leon on Night Court (where he first caught my attention). He'd even had something of a comic book based appearance before then on the Hillstreet Blues episode Ratman And Bobbin. Over the next decade he showed up, or was heard, on tv shows and cartoons ranging from Flintstone Kids to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to the tv mini-series about the Jackson Family, An American Dream. In 1996 he played one of the mutants (Mondo) in Fox's poorly executed Generation X telefilm. That brought him back to comics and related adaptations, and he's been a staple since.

While continuing to do live action work on shows like Living Single, he was doing voice work on shows like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman, Godzilla, and Pinky & The Brain. In the 21st century, the trend continued and expanded - Batman Beyond, Sabrina the Teenaged Witch, Static Shock, Teen Titans, The Batman, Legion Of Superheroes, Transformers, G.I.Joe, Batman: The Brave & The Bold, The Avengers, Ultimate Spider-Man, LEGO Marvel Super-Heroes, Avengers Assemble... it goes on.
And that doesn't touch his work in video games featuring X-Men, Justice League, Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Batman, and more.
He's the voice of both Cyborg for DC and Falcon for Marvel. That's pretty impressive all by itself.
Heck, he even did voice work for my current game of choice - Fallout 4. (Great game actively being murdered by the interface(s) Mods required.)

Happy 45th, Larry! Can't wait to see what comes next.

Rambling onward...

The Man.
So... finally started to watch season 3 of Guardians Of The Galaxy. If you're missing him, the first episode has a delightful multi-scene cameo from Stan Lee. (And Seth Green pops in as Howard The Duck)
Matter of fact - if you haven't been watching the Marvel toons in recent years, there's a whole bunch of Stan waiting for you - usually playing Stan. For example - did you know that he's the mayor of Vista Verde, the town where Hulk And The Agents Of S.M.A.S.H. make their home? And they're usually bigger scenes than the movie cameos, too. Sometimes he even gets up on the Soapbox.

The Decimation.
Marvel's name for Thanos's Snap and the resulting loss of 50% of all life in the universe.
A terrible name.



Even Snappening was a better name.

Decimation refers to a destruction of 1/10th of the whole. I know words evolve and change meanings with time. Pussy may have originated from the word pusillanimous, but the word has taken on other connotations over time.
But with Decimation, it's built into the word - the prefix 'deci' refers to a tenth part. In order to make it refer to one half instead, i have to pretend i'm too stupid to understand the component parts of the word. I've always had a problem making myself stupid for society, and i'm not going to start now.

Wakandan Cruelty.
I've seen some talk about how cruel it was to leave Bucky with only one arm when Wakanda could easily have given him a more naturalistic, non-weaponized arm. I sincerely doubt that the decision to go without an arm was anyone other than Barnes' - think in the context of the old samurai or gunfighter who finds peace by hanging up their weapon.

Zak Attack.
Did you see that Zak Snyder recently exploded an F-cluster bomb regarding his DC movies. In the middle of it all, he explained/admitted two things-

One - his movies are Elseworlds movies, not the real deal. He never intended to make a 'real' Superman movie. He was making a What If-? What if the Kents thought like Snyder did?
Instead of teaching Clark that he had a duty to use his powers to help others, his father taught him to protect himself above everyone else, including family & loved ones. (And using suicide to teach the lesson? Ick)
His mother taught him that he doesn't owe the world anything, and never did.
Of course this Superman isn't a hero - how could he be?

Two - Snyder doesn't believe in the concept of heroes nor aspirational figures and was intentionally trying to destroy them for the 'idiots' that do.

This has been obvious all along, but it was nice of him to finally admit it.

Maybe next time he'll talk about the incredible stupidity of treating eyeballs like fixed-mount lasers or....   damn. It's hard to narrow it down to even just a few incredibly stupid things from BvS-Death Of Justice, much less one reference. Let's skip all the big obvious ones and go to making Superman a peeping tom pervert  (admittedly, that's already been done in Superman Returns). We see this when he flies up away from Lois while repeating a line from Bruce & Alfred's private conversation about nobody staying good forever with no rational reason for saying it on his own unless he was listening to them.

Creepy, dude.

Here's a better fight between Supes & Bats -

There. Fight over.

16 January 2019

Alive Again

As previously noted, i'm definitely a fan of the DCAU, even if the DCFU has been depressingly disappointing, with a few exceptions. (Might have turned a corner - we can hope)

I'm heading down the hill today to join a friend for video day - a tradition stretching back 3 decades with us. It used to be a weekly affair, but me being a hermit high on the hill has caused the frequency to drop, Kenneth.

But, today it's time - the movie we've been awaiting for the last year has arrived -

Um... no. That's not quite right...

 Ah! Here we go -

If you didn't watch The Death Of Superman last year - lucky you.
You don't have to wait for part two. So go watch both, now. That way i don't have to write anything this morning and i can head on down the hill to enjoy the movie.

So i shall!

01 December 2018

My Apologies

I'm not ignoring the comments - they are much appreciated encouragements as the Universe works so hard to prevent me from continuing here.
I've typed a dozen replies and more, but the system treats the 'Publish' button as a flush lever and dumps my replies into some hidden digital sewer. I've tried using the google account, using the name/url option, and using the anonymous option - all with the same (lack of) results.

Hopefully the cause of this will be revealed and i'll someday be allowed to respond to comments.

Meanwhile - thanks much TCJames & Mindbender. The connection issues seems to be a thing of the past. The string of suicidal computers appears to have petered out. The hideous nightmares of trying to use a Windows 10 system have been exorcized (we're on a Linux box now - finally). Now it's  a matter of dealing with the weird little issues like Blogger refusing to allow me to comment on my own frelling blog.

And there's the larger issue - now that most hurdles have been cleared, there's still the internal motivations and shattered work habits to rebuild. It may be slow starting, but i'm feeling optimistic.


19 August 2018

Down Break

Computer rebellion underway.

The rebuild on the new desktop system lasted over 36 hours before mysteriously devolving into a paperweight. This system upon which i'm typing realized i was working on a replacement for it and now will only function for more than 10 minutes if positioned for the AC to blow full into it. Thunder and lightning took the reliable beast.
So instead of being fully up and running and back to being able to work and paint, they've taken away my work, my play, my music, my vids...

I'm just going to be depressed in the back of my cave for a while. I'll get tomorrow's BMC calendar page into the queue, but not sure how soon the next post will be after that.

But, hey! We got the net connection working well now.

Don't Leave Your Mind Alone In The Dark! by -3-

20 July 2018

Music By 88 Fingers Louie (Him, Not Them)

We're not talking comics or movies or culture this time - it's all personal rambling.
Fair warning that you may choose to step out now and look for a more entertaining way to pass the time elsewhere.
Well, all right...  just one picture appropriate to our post -

Moving right along...

Here's a Freebie answer on the 20 July Commemorative Crossword puzzle from the previous post.

25 Across:
Today in 2017, ______ went live with the first meandering ramble and a painting of the Composite Stan Lee. (four words)

The Voice Of ODD! (Exclamation point not used in puzzle answer, but wth)

Yep - Happy Anniversary me!

Astoundingly, it's been a year of fairly consistent posting. I wouldn't have put money on it lasting 10 weeks at the outset. Two primary factors converged to create this ongoing result - Therapy and Kirby.

Kirby first. (ALWAYS, Kirby first.)
As you may well know, Jack Kirby's birthday is next month. Shortly after launching The Voice Of ODD!, the realization that the upcoming birthday would be his centennial slapped me upside the head. Jack was a formative influence in my life, and while contemplating how to celebrate the occasion, the King Kirby 100 was born. One hundred posts on The King over the month of August. That's about 3 1/3 posts each and every day. And, as much as possible, i wanted to avoid little posts highlighting only a single drawing or that sort of thing.

That means that, thanks to Jack Kirby, only ten days after launching the blog i had to develop an obsessive work rhythm and gathering/sorting/indexing habits to match if i had any hope of completing the project.
Had it been anything else, there is a very substantial chance that this blog wouldn't be here any longer. But it was Jack. Not finishing would feel like dishonoring him. I couldn't do that. By the end of the KK100, the work habits were fairly well ingrained and sorting directories began to fill with material for use and reference. Old contacts and curators were reconnected, and access restored to archives i hadn't visited in seeming ages.

And so the method and means were at hand to continue.
But means and method yet require will to drive them, so now we get to Therapy.

No, i'm not in therapy, despite what some of you may be hoping.
Rather, i'm self aware enough to create my own therapies to address some personal shortcomings. (Others i heartily embrace) Regulars know that i am, by nature, what i refer to as a Hermit, though technically/objectively speaking, it's a degree of sociopathy and alienation mixing in happy combination.

A year prior to launching this blog, i became aware of my self-imposed isolation reaching a point of diminishing returns, with incremental negative effects beginning to weigh heavily on the postive benefits. And so a re-connection began, reaching out to many whom i'd not seen or heard from in years. Sparks were good, and it was generally pleasing all around.

It was soft connections, of course. Since i live without a telephone and have no use for social media, i'm simply not directly a part of their world. But still, it was nice to have them there.
And when the isolation turned inwardly destructive, i needed a connection to the outside world. About that time, Snell's 10th Anniversary over at Slay, Monstrobot Of The Deep! was coming up. In the '90s and early in this century, i sometimes existed more in cyberspace than the physical realm. Now (then) both had deteriorated to near non-existence. While a large part is happy with the Being that comes with that Nothingness, i was raised, in part, as a mystic.

Oddly enough, in his comics Dr. Strange (probably Englehardt) once verbalized the first rule for mystics:
For the Physician, he said, it's Heal Thyself. For the Mystic, it's Know Thyself.
(Yeah, that's not the first rule of the physician - that's not what i said, don't get sidetracked)

To Know Thyself. That's not something easily done from within.
Sitting in your living room and looking out the window, all might look fine. But from there, one can't see the shingles pulling loose on the roof, the roots growing through the cement, or any of the myriad of problems which exist. So, one needs must get outside of the house to see and understand it, and one learns to do so. When stepping outside myself to take in the view, i found some very disturbing fractures in the foundation and supports. We often tend to focus on what we're doing and building now, without thought of what we're building upon. Things are going great - everything's looking good as we progress up here without realizing it's crumbling way down there. With the view came the understanding that i needed to establish some ongoing connection with the outside world.

That realization timed with a favorite comic blog's anniversary impelled one hand to create this blog while the other reached out to those with whom i'd connected, and informed them of the blog as well. One hand was largely successful, the other ... not so much. If no one is there when i need them, no need to bother them.

So focus shifted more to the blog. While the connection is more one-way, the mental/spiritual benefits are still quite real and, over time, evidently manifest. While i may often seem rather misanthropic from my comments, that's not really the case. I may disdain herd mentality, and be unable to twist and blinker myself to conform/comply with social expectations, but at the core i have a deep love for Humans. It's spackled over at times with hurt and anger that comes with watching an adolescent society acting as adolescents will. One is always left wondering if they'll survive to adulthood.

If one wanted to be cynical, we could even apply what's often called Sturgeon's Law - 98% of Everything is crap.
Oh, but that remaining 2% can be glorious.

Aa-a-and - I might be rambling...
Where was this going?

Hmm... Comments and feedback? That's good social contact, and i do quite enjoy that. (Hi, Everybody!) But the connection i'm referring to is more internal. A sense of connection to the outer world rather than ongoing interaction. With the blog, i find myself writing not just to today, but to the visitors from the future who may find the blog years from now. The biggest single source of traffic to the site is search engines; people out there looking for one odd thing who stumble in and find this place. That's good. That sense of connection is perceivable into the future - connecting now with those yet to come.

That internal sense of connection is global as well. About 2/3 of the site's visitors come from the USA. The other third is wide-spread. Looking at the top posts over at the right, one was pushed to the top by visitors from the Ukraine, one by visitors from Spain, and one by visitors from Facebook. (That's a more foreign land to me than the other two). Top sources of traffic to this site are Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, and Vietnam. There have been others in the top, but the site data only records top ten for the day, week, month, and all time. Others were lost to fluctuations and time. I had thought about including a traffic map at the bottom showing locations of visitors, but i'm loathe to add another tracker to the site merely for personal curiosity.

Anyway, that internal sense of connection proved a good thing for my own mental/emotional/spiritual stability, and so we have Will to drive the Method and Means. Who knew there would be a third crucial reason to continue?

For a long time, i've dealt with mental deterioration - a couple of decades now. It picked up earlier in this decade after incidents with pulmonary embolisms left me running at savagely reduced oxygen levels in my system, complicating already present issues with breakdowns of already atypical neural structures. The  left/right interconnections that served so well over my life were burning up. While i still function at a high level, generally speaking, the deterioration is very evident to me. Even little things, like typing and how many corrections i must make now compared to only a few years back. Not to mention the long breaks as my mind wanders away from what i'm doing at the time.

The work on this blog has become a healthy exercise to maintain neural function. It forces me to focus and to keep things working up in the attic which might otherwise fall into disuse and decay. It would be so terribly easy to just slide into viewer zombie state and let those rooms go dark. So let's not do that.

That being the case, this time i suspect The Voice Of ODD! might actually hang around a while, rather than be abandoned within weeks, as seemed likely last year. I'll probably be going back to review my original goals, and perhaps tweaking a few things along the way. The original plan was for less comics, but after a month of Jack Kirby, comics became deeply ingrained in the site's DNA and they're likely to stay the major focus.

I'd planned regular soapbox columns when starting out. Basically just venting opportunities for the old geezer, y'know? Maybe we'll add a regular Hermit/Old Man  Rant  Cultural Observations feature this year. Maybe we'll get around to that piece on what went wrong to cause the dark Elseworld in which the DC movies exist. (The Kents - it was the Kents) I'd definitely like to get to talking about more movies, old and new (Accion Mutante, Zotz!, Black Lightning, The Power, Endhiran, House On Bare Mountain, Zeiram, Buba-Hotep, Kung Fury... and endless adaptations of Journey To The West (Including the most epic use of Buddha's Palm ever) are all sitting in the blog pile, along with dozens of others.)

Who knows? If i'm feeling particularly inspired and insane (it'll take both), we might even think about starting a running comic on the blog. (Perhaps returning to Mad Science! with Dr. Nick?) Or perhaps an ongoing artwork feature, just to force myself to do some. (You'll have to suffer, but it might be good for me)

Beyond every reason meandered through above, i simply like sharing the odd things i find in my digging through the past. Whatever happens in the times ahead, it's been good this year, and amazing that it's been a year. I hope you've enjoyed bits here and there, and thanks for visiting!

That sounded Human, did it not?

Dancing Anniversary Monkeys by -3- (2018)

06 July 2018

Dead Again

Allow me to reflect a moment upon my own personal level of geek.

When The Death Of Superman comic came out back in the early '90s, i was a staff artist for the computer game developer/publisher, Interplay Productions. Even in that sort of culture, i tended to be the hermit weirdo - showing up barefoot or wearing zoris, making art in my cave. For a while there the business card read Art Troll as my official title. (Eventually i settled on Existential Cinematographer since i was making movies of things that didn't exist using non-real cameras in virtual space.) My office walls were generally covered with comic and art posters, often with things like Dinosaurs Attack! bubble gum cards and other odd trading cards lining the spaces between. Typical attire for me was comfy pants, t-shirt, and a loose open shirt over that. Sometimes there was a posterboard area on my wall for spontaneous art releases. It was a weirdo lair in other ways, too. I was older than much of the industry, and married, with children by my former wife, in a land of fresh-out-of-school kids and bachelors with too much stake in their futures to be bothered with women in any serious way. (I was the first one in the company that didn't have a share in it. The 10 who were there before me left as millionaires. So when i say they were busy working on their futures, i mean that in a very real way.)

One day the shoeless-casual dude (it was California, dude is appropriate usage) showed up at the office in a dark suit and tie - shiny shoes - all clean and presentable, with the black armband bearing the S shield, much to the confusion of most of the others. Gamer Geeks ≠ Comic Geeks.
And that's how i was dressed for the rest of that week, in mourning for the fallen Kal-El.

When i sometimes speak out about the wretched affairs that are the mainline DC movies, it's often assumed that i'm some Marvel fanboy who doesn't like DC. Quite the opposite is often true - I grew up favoring the DC characters, even when i preferred what Marvel was doing in their magazines at times. Though, admittedly, in the classic "Are you a Superman fan or a Batman fan -Who do you want to be?" argument, i always sided with Green Lantern. (Even back then, it was obvious to me that an artist should using the ring. Architect John Stewart even hinted at that for us.), and it's that love for the characters that has made me so bitter about their absence from the films. If i talk about the tone of the movies, or pure stupidity of some aspects and scenes, then i'm told i must hate Zach Snyder. Not true - i overall enjoyed his adaptation of Dave Gibbons' work, and i've watched Sucker Punch more times than all of his DC films combined. I just wish he'd make the Marvelman/Miracleman movie he so obviously wants to make instead an Elseworlds version of DC. (Okay - That pooch has already been screwed, and the puppies sold for breeding stock) Out there in the 'DC Extended Universe', i'm loving the hell out of a lot of the DC TV Shows and the DC Animated Movies.

Last week, the latest of those animated movies was released - The Death Of Superman, obviously based on the comic storyline referenced above. While the studio heads are busy trying to figure out how to handle the DCFU*, the folks who've been turning out great stories for a couple decades and more have been quietly building their own film universe with a series of intersecting Batman and Justice League movies for the last four years. This one makes... um, quite a few of them since 2014.
Hmm...  Let's see.

The Batman movies -
Son Of Batman
Batman Vs. Robin
Batman: Bad Blood
and the Justice League had -
Justice League: War
Justice Leabue: Throne Of Atlantis
and then they directly intersected with -
Justice League Vs. Teen Titans
followed by -
Justice League: Dark
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract

Did i miss any?

I'm not sure about Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay. Frankly, it got turned off when Amanda Waller showed up early on and it was the new skinny generic Waller instead of The Wall. You know - the version where some weak artist decided it was too hard to draw Amanda Waller because she didn't look like the what they were used to drawing, or some pervy artist decided it was more fun drawing pretty girls rather than one of the few people in comics that looked like a human being. At that point, we wondered if the right people were still in charge and decided to come back when our expectations weren't as high. It'll probably be a while. There's just too much in the world to be watched in a single human lifetime, so there's always something else.
And i don't remember if the previous animated Suicide Squad movie, Batman: Assault On Arkham, tucked into this film universe or  deviated significantly to meet the source material of the game. I do remember it was superior to, and more enjoyable than, the live action SS movie.

Along the way, they've turned out a couple of enjoyable Elseworlds films, too - Justice League: Gods & Monsters and Gotham By Gaslight. And this is just in the last 4 years - post Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox. (Batman: Ninja comes from a different studio, does it not? What about Scooby Doo & Batman: The Brave & The Bold? It's getting a lot harder to track all this stuff!)

I'm not completely certain that The Death Of Superman takes place in that intersecting universe, though it does feel like it at this point. Let me throw out an "Arrrrrrgghhh!!!" that we have to wait about a year for Reign Of The Supermen to follow up on The Death Of Superman. That said, i'm very glad that they decided to do the story as two separate movies. Far better than trying to crunch it all into one film. It was a good idea with Return Of The Dark Knight, and it's a good plan here.

Even with the abbreviated version of the tale used for the previous Superman: Doomsday, it was still a bit too compressed to build the proper emotional momentum and impact. Once one gets past the highly questionable use of cheek lines in the animation, it did not terrible with the character and story, but still was one of the least memorable DC animated movies of that decade. It was certainly far better than the generic third-act creature upon which they slapped the name Doomsday for the DCFU.

Of course, that means we've got time to see him take on the Justice League...

...before the big showdown...

I still prefer "circus suit" Superman to "ski suit" Superman, and see the Nu52 and other endless reboots as a surrender ("We give up. We can't do as good as those who came before us, so we're just going to redo instead.") But these animated movies based on the newer iterations of the characters are quite enjoyable, and far superior to most of the live action films.

If you haven't yet, check 'em out.

frames from The Death Of Superman (2018)

*(DCEU, or DC Extended Universe, is an unofficial term slapped on by one reporter which really makes no sense. That name would seem to include the comics, films, novels, tv shows, animated movies, etc.,. So for me, i think it's going to be the DC Film Universe when talking about the movies. DCFU just makes more sense. In pretty much every way.)


28 June 2018

And How Was YOUR Day?

Because mine...?

That sound, with the accompanying flash of light, erupted from the main computer system this morning. (Yesterday morning, at the time this post goes live.)
Either it had an origin and is in some embryonic hibernation state, or the poor critter died a hard death.
And no telling if it took the data on the drive with it.

That was just the morning...

My standard medical monitoring was so badly out of specs that i've gone from every six weeks to now being tested every fortnight. (Which is going to create a huge spike in my shoe wearing hours per month!)
We won't even get into how badly the government has screwed things up for my upcoming procedures. And that's before the current screw-the-populace rampage.

The day did not dramatically improve from there.

But none of that affects you, except for the death of the computer. All my archives of material gathered for the blog are there. Much of it has been backed up on external drives, but they're too big for this ancient beast to fathom what it's looking at. So none of it can currently be accessed. The technology gap also prohibits use of the scanner. This old beast doesn't speak the modern lingo, and can't communicate with it.
(Let's not get into how ancient this machine is. Let's just leave it at the fact that it has a single core processor.)

But, i do keep an ancient version of Photoshop on hand, so it can at least do some basic prep work. And i'm hoping that a couple of the old external drives are small enough for this machine to read them. That will enable access to some older back ups. And there are a few bits hanging around on this system and some of the transfer sticks. (The main sys was a secure system - only sneaker net connections) So, we'll still be getting some posts of some sort. But certainly no insane sprees like two days ago. (On the other hand, that did leave at least one more Caza story prepped & ready) Best guess is perhaps two weeks before a replacement system is up and running. In the meantime, we carry on.

Okay. Enough explanation and ramble. This post goes off to the queue, and i go crawl to the back of the cave.

We'll see how badly the computer explosion burned my brain and psyche when i wake.

oh, come on! You know who that page is from, right? Simonson & Workman ... you know that already, sure you do! from Thor # 337 (1983)

16 May 2018

Slow Posting Schedule

I've referred to myself as a hermit in the past, and not merely facetiously.

Minimal though it may be, this blog is my single greatest link to the world outside my cave. Nearly ten months on and it's still up and running - somehow.

But the innate sociopath wants to dig deeper into the cave and block the entrance at times.

I'm working on it.

Johnny Lee Miller being entirely too relatable for me on Elementary (201-)

08 January 2018

Hey! Look Behind The Curtain

A brief follow-up before we continue.

An overview of the Social Security situation.
When you hear politicians in Washington talking about Social Security as an "Entitlement Program", you are listening to criminals trying to cover up their crimes, or the crimes of their colleagues/predecessors. Social Security is a mandatory insurance program in which we were all forced to participate. As usual, our  government doesn't like the idea of living up to their deals once it's no longer profitable for them.

Some may want to talk about how much of the budget gets eaten up by that obligation, but the real question is Why is so much of the budget going towards those payments?
In the 1980s, it was clear where we were headed, and so the withholdings for Social Security were dramatically increased to build a massive trust fund to finance the deal. Last time i looked, it was between 2.5-3 Trillion dollars. That's 15 zeroes. How much interest do you suppose that much capital in a trust fund generates?

How about none.

In the 90s the government got to looking at all that cash just sitting there doing nothing. (Serving the needs of the citizenry counts as "doing nothing," of course) So they decided to embezzle it. They raided the fund and replaced the cash with Treasury Notes. They called it an "Economic Miracle" and claimed the budget was balanced. And all they had to do was steal the future from the citizens whom they had conned into trusting their money to them. As near as i can tell, this raiding of the actual cash has continued, because - money.

So now, not only does the budget have to cover cashing out those Treasury Notes to pay back our money they stole, but they also have to pay for the interest generated on said notes. So instead of our money earning interest or dividends to fund what we were promised, it generates more debt for our budget.
Instead of cash generating earnings to pay for the program, we have debit statements racking up more debt to be paid out. It's the theft that keeps on thieving.

The government STOLE the money, replaced it with IOUs, and is trying to punish the public for wanting the government to deliver on their promises, promises that we already paid for.

When you hear politicians in DC talking about the Social Security "Entitlement Program", call bullshit and demand they return our stolen funds.


Okay. I'll lighten up now.
I know just the hero to call for help, and we'll be back in a short while.

05 January 2018

How It Works In The USA

I'd like to continue on the topic from this morning, but today seems to be one of those all too frequent occasions when my internet access provider is testing their slow lane or something. Once or twice a month i have a day when any websites without corporate backing enter a connecting/loading loop from which they never break out.

I miss Qwest, the old company. But when the US government went hogwild grabbing up new power in the last decade, the owner of Qwest was one of the few who stood up for Rule Of Law and refused to illegally just hand over what the government wanted. So he was rapidly set up, prosecuted and destroyed, breaking the company and allowing a more compliant organization to take over. As is usually the case these days when one doesn't cooperate with a criminal government order.

Not surprisingly, things went down hill, and we now have very low expectations for the future when it comes to having our rights and access protected.  The funny thing is, they think i'll still pay full price for half access - and typically the half that holds no interest for me. Jack the costs up and drop the service and a whole lot of us are going to start doubling and tripling up, sharing service to cut price.

When the Soviet Union was a going concern, people used to talk about how Communism works on paper, but once you get people involved the inherent corruption always manifests to destroy the potential. Of course, the very same holds true for Capitalism which is how you wind up with what we have under the label of "capitalism" these days. (More often called "American Style Capitalism" elsewhere) We have corporations that operate as admitted terrorists and extortionists while buying laws to prevent prosecution, or even civil suits. Our high courts have declared the government officially for sale. We have jails that rent better facilities to prisoners who have money. We have debtors prisons making a resurgence as a profit mechanism for our current corrupted style of crony capitalism. We have pathetic medical care that costs almost much as the other 9 in the top ten list combined while providing inferior care, and our solution to the problem is to let the profiteers write new laws to move the costs around instead of fixing the corruption. We've gone from politicians working to avoid the mere "Appearance of Impropriety" to the point that felony convictions are no longer necessarily an issue. On some international freedom scales we don't even rank in the top 30 while idiots run around asking "How Free Are You On A Scale Of 1 To America?" Social inequality is reaching Dickensian heights, with corporate leaders making 500-1000 times what their workers earn. (For reference, in the middle of the last century the ratio was about 50 to 1) We have self-labelled "Christians" who worship Money so hard that they've started a branch of the religion that teaches that Christ was a bit of a twat who didn't know what he was talking about, and his Daddy really wants you to be rich and rule over the filthy masses. (Yes, this is the church to which our current Executive Tweeter belongs) We debate what is or is not torture now, while only a couple generations back we executed foreign soldiers for using the exact same practices on our soldiers which we now embrace as "tools of freedom," even though anyone who isn't an idiot or evil will understand that torture doesn't make people tell the truth, it makes them tell whatever the torturer wants to hear to make the torture stop. And then they can't figure out why people think they're evil idiots, reinforcing both notions.

Let's not even start on the bad joke of the "Freedom Lite"* two party system choking our politics. The current state of politics is akin to watching a couple of gangs fighting a bloody turf war and being told to pick one and pretend they're the good guys. Such is the binary nature of our ingrained cultural thinking.

Three pages of information to which i seek access have continued to attempt to load for the duration of this typing. The NY Times obituary loaded in seconds. The personal sites run by fans are all access blocked at the moment. Perhaps it's nothing more than a system glitch. But, as i said, this is a regular ongoing occurrence, and that leaves a great deal of trepidation for the future as our current greedy governors grab for more money and control.  Again. Yet again.

It's funny when we hear the FCC talk about how the rules and restrictions they keep changing are no longer a reflection of modern business.
Of course not! They were set up as protections. Protections from business interests trumping social needs and from information distortion. Protections for the citizenry, and for the proper functioning of a free society. NONE of those are a concern today, in fact - they're considered liabilities, impediments to acquisition and consolidation of power (as they were intended to be) so they've got to go. When the majority of the information media outlets are concentrated into a half dozen corporations, you don't even need conspiracies to skew information. With numbers that small, mere common interest with bias reporting, or the lack thereof. (It's probably worth noting that they all have major "defense" industry interests)

And while they might spout some very nice sounding reasons at times, it's important to remember that they take hundreds of millions of dollars from the public to spend on research to learn what to say to make us give more, accept more, and bend over more readily.

Some day soon we should talk about identity. How many people even know who they are? Are you more than just an echo?

No wonder i'm a hermit, eh?
And i just wanted to look at Cats.


* (Here's how the two party system works, and why it's considered to be "Freedom Lite":
You want to go out for dinner and you're given two choices - Did you want a Big Mac or a Whopper?
Pizza, chicken, steak, fish, lobster, salad, or anything else is not up for discussion. It's been decided you're going to have hamburger, now you have the "freedom" to choose between char broiling or frying, and to pick your condiments.
That, in essence, is the two party system of politics.)

31 December 2017

I'm Guessing Not Crumpets

Just an odd post prompted by personal curiosity. This one is directed at our UK readers (Now the #2 source of views, with Canada fallen to #4 (behind Spain), and Russia (our old #3) dropped down to the bottom of the top 10. Guess it's long past time for that piece on the best classic Sherlock Holmes movies ever made.)

My question:
When you settle in for a cuppa, do you have a nibble with it? If so, what is your preferred nibble?

For myself, these days it tends to be a slice of lemon cake. Lemon pound cake, not that gooey stuff. I've got one cooling from the oven at the moment, and typically bake at least one a week in recent months. This time i got experimental and added in some tart cherries; seems like they should blend well, but might be a bit much. I'll find out soon, with a spot of strong black tea on this cold afternoon. The grapefruit glaze on the last one worked out mighty fine.
I might note that i like the sweet nibble, but like the tea pure - just hot water & tea leaves - to cut through and counterpoint that sweet.

Wonder how cooled that cake is?

Oh. You probably want some images with the text, hm?
Tea and sweets? I think we can manage that. Of course, since we haven't ascertained the tastes of our guests, i suppose one must provide variety...

I really should have checked the pantry first.

Time to got put on a pot...

30 December 2017

Pimping A Russian Mail Order Bride

Regulars know i tend to shy away from tagging specifics on people i talk about here, simply to be respectful to them since they've not given me explicit permission to discuss them with the general public. But, i'm going to break that rule today for a bit of promotion. (Maybe it's Stan's influence?)

I previously made mention of my younger son starring on stage in Las Vegas until the beginning of this year. The unmentioned show was Evil Dead: The Musical (The 4D Experience), winning official approval from Bruce Campbell with his portrayal of Ash, King of Groovy. (or something like that. Ask Jack)

A great role, but after a few years one wants to do other things - especially someone like Chris (AKA Strangling Jack Johnson of the Swinging Johnson Brothers) who acts, does comedy, writes, directs and produces. He needed to stretch again.

Hence, his latest project - a new series on Amazon Prime entitled 100 Nights With Strangling Jack Johnson.
The official description:
"Follow Strangling Jack on his quest to become a working stand up comic - from his first night bombing to his first headlining gig and beyond! The show shares tips and tricks from working comedians about what it takes to start a comedy career."

BTW - you can also find his indie comedy Driving Bill Crazy on Amazon. Here's the description, once again:
"Bill’s life has always been a bit crazy, from his swinger mother and his step father who is four years younger than him to his abusive completely unhelpful psychiatrist to the fact that he works in a mental institution. His boss doesn’t like him and has no problem telling him. The girl he likes just started dating his worst enemy. Just when he thinks his life couldn’t get any loonier, he steps into the twisted world of Cameron and Cary Nolan. A massive head wound causes the prohibition of “Lawn Darts” and simultaneously makes the Nolan brothers rich. They realize that working is for chumps. Scams and fraudulent lawsuits are where the real money’s at, and corporate America is quick to settle out of court…especially when there’s a penis splint involved. After several years of falling down hotel stairs, “finding” rats in their fried chicken, and train derailments, they’ve discovered a new scam far superior to all the others. Evidently there’s plenty of money to be made in the mental health industry especially when you don’t exactly play by the rules. Now there’s a race between the insanity of Bill’s everyday life, and the twisted false reality of squirrels, pills and ninjas created by his new roommates to see which one finally ends up, Driving Bill Crazy."

Oh, yeah.... Confused about the title of this post?
This might help.

28 December 2017


Despite any implications of my absence, it has been a pretty good Xmas for me. Got to spend a few hours with my elder son and received a couple of presents i very much liked - a food dehydrator and a set of professional lock pics.
Already making up a separate shopping list for the dehydrator - first up is prepping a veggie mix for soups. Then comes the jerky. Hopefully i can get some nice venison to work with. And i do a mean sweet/hot teriyaki/sriracha jerk for lesser tasting meats.

But this time of year does tend to promote withdrawal from the outer world, reinforced by the snowy weather. We're all very much alike, but very different as well, much as that goes against our society's either/or limits on thinking. (I shake my head at the inherent tragic stupidity every time i see a scene where the hero recoils vehemently at the thought of being any way like the villain. How fragile is their sense of self?)
So, anyway - While we're normally here finding some common interests in my odd digging through comics and culture, let's go the other direction today. I thought i'd ramble on a few things that make my life likely very different from yours. Perhaps, in some ways, unimaginably so.

Let's get the biggest out of the way right up front - i neither own nor use a phone. I don't believe i've handled one in this decade. After absorbing the social and connective implications, think about how often the only contact option given is by phone and you'll get a glimmer of how much that reinforces hermit isolation. It took months to acquire internet service simply because they're all geared towards people who already have phone and/or internet. Most of the walk-in offices have shuttered, and no mailing addresses are provided.

I have neither television nor radio, and the only clock is the one on the stove for timing food preparation.
Of course, i do have computer and internet, and it can tell me the time when i really want to know.

I have no vehicle, having relied on foot and public transportation since before the turn of the century. That worked quite well until the nerve damage in the feet made walking so much more interesting. These days i mostly do my Duke Ellington routine, but never no lament.

My feet suffer the indignity of shoes for about 8-12 hours per month.

I go out to eat food perhaps 2-4 times per year. (This includes fast food joints, pubs, roach coaches, greasy spoons, etc.,; not just "going out" to fancy restaurants or the like)

I typically go days without seeing another human being - frequently weeks without greater contact than a nod or passing greeting.

Here's a very simple truth about being a hermit - you better like yourself. That's with whom you're spending the most time. Fortunately, knowing oneself was an important aspect of early life lessons for me (See Babylon 5 for the importance of knowing this before asking what you want) so i get along pretty well with me. But, i can be frustrating company when the artwork output has been hobbled as it has in recent months by ongoing technical issues with the computers.. That creative energy that can't get out turns inward instead.
So now i find myself indulging in silly things like playing with clothing textures for my Skyrim game or planning out an Emmanuelle In Tamriel screen cap blog as outlets for that energy.

No - seriously...

Fresh off the boat from Cyrodiil-

...with her first view of the Great Arch, upon which Solitude, the capital city of Skyrim, was built...

A closer look at our heroine-

Think of the Adventures Into The Woods incarnation of Emmanuelle...

 ...fallen into a darker fantasy world; one torn by dragons, civil war, and slavery.

Now if i can just get Ron Jeremy to reprise his Crocs-wearing Merlin for that Men In Black hip hop musical number.
Again, seriously...

 I, um... may have rambled again.
Sorry about that.

Pics from Skyrim (this morning) and Adventures Into The Woods (2012)

14 December 2017

This Is Me (Again Or Still)

I know that some would like to know more about the hermit behind the words, beyond the small snapshots that spill out in the ramblings. Every now and then i'll manage to get perhaps too open in an off-kilter sort of balance. But generally, i find it hard to consciously talk about my odd life, no matter how suited it might be to the topic of the blog. Somehow, that's largely detached from wandering through old memories, because i'm focused on the memories and not myself. It's something i'll try to work on.

Of course, that doesn't leave much for this post, does it?

Fortunately, there are still some small societies that tell my story, and the story of my peoples. So, we'll go to their tribal writ-

They, um...  they might have gotten a bit confused towards the end there.
Just a bit

the works by -3- from This Is Me (2011)