01 December 2018

My Apologies

I'm not ignoring the comments - they are much appreciated encouragements as the Universe works so hard to prevent me from continuing here.
I've typed a dozen replies and more, but the system treats the 'Publish' button as a flush lever and dumps my replies into some hidden digital sewer. I've tried using the google account, using the name/url option, and using the anonymous option - all with the same (lack of) results.

Hopefully the cause of this will be revealed and i'll someday be allowed to respond to comments.

Meanwhile - thanks much TCJames & Mindbender. The connection issues seems to be a thing of the past. The string of suicidal computers appears to have petered out. The hideous nightmares of trying to use a Windows 10 system have been exorcized (we're on a Linux box now - finally). Now it's  a matter of dealing with the weird little issues like Blogger refusing to allow me to comment on my own frelling blog.

And there's the larger issue - now that most hurdles have been cleared, there's still the internal motivations and shattered work habits to rebuild. It may be slow starting, but i'm feeling optimistic.


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