The desktop system continues to act in ways that defy four decades of computer experience.
The primary problem currently goes counter to the basics. Computers overheat and shut down, right? Mine needs to warm up. If it gets through the first 15-20 minutes, then it's fine for as long as you want to go. Days at a time, if needed. But, if it may shut down in the first ten minutes or so. Or it may suddenly stop outputting video. Or it may suddenly stop accepting input from the keyboard and mouse.
And once that happens, it will not turn back on for at least 15 minutes or so, shutting down during boot-up.
This sort of problem has remained despite replacing power supply, video card, and most every major component over the last year or so.
The new desktop system built to replace it runs great for a day or so at a time, and then the hard drive begins to eat itself. Any hard drive we've tried so far self corrupts and dies. Malware on the bios? I don't know. Next time we'll try with a different operating system and some new components, but i'm retired these days a far, far away from the old six figure income. With the holidays and all, it'll be a bit before new parts are an option.
So, we'll see what the whims of fate allow us. And try not to succumb to the gaping maw of depression that beckons laughingly.
Meanwhile - this was laying around just because i liked the last panel to Kazanda's first adventure...
At least there's a little something to look at, eh?
(Yes, in theory we'll actually get around to Kazanda and the rest some day)
art by and from... i don't know. It's on the other system.