30 July 2018

The Art Of Flesh (and Friends)

We've been looking at a bit of Flash Gordon parody lately, which quite naturally leads to the most ambitious effort in that arena - Flesh Gordon. Which means we'll be having this little discussion in our adult content 'back room' - The Other Voice Of ODD!

We're looking at the artwork, so we're only looking at the first movie. Flesh Meets The Cosmic Cheerleaders used no artwork for the title sequences, so they don't get to play today. But, no worries - we've got some others to join us in a bit.

So after we take a look at the title sequence artwork by  Cornelius Cole III...

...we'll be taking a peek at a few other parodies from Harvey Kurtzman, Wally Wood, Bill Pearson and Pete Poplaski.
And, no surprise, we'll toss in a bit of George Barr, too...

Slip on back past that brute checking ages to view the complete mirror of this post on The Other Voice Of ODD! and check it out.

artwork from Flesh Gordon (1974), Snarf #5 (1972), Witzend #11 (1978), and Naughty Knotty Woody (2007)


  1. The George Barr poster is just gorgeous -- weirdly ornate. Far more handsome than the movie itself.

    Rip Off

  2. I agree. I love it. And that 'weirdly ornate' factor is what made me question the other poster (in the mirror post). Even though the face of Flesh looks like Barr, the poster itself doesn't live up to this one at all.
