23 July 2020

Is She Stupid Or Evil?

As the post line says, is this woman Stupid or Evil?

The masks are to protect other people from the wearer's exhalations. This has been said over and over and over again.

So is this alleged person just outright stupid? Or is she just evil and does realize that, despite the wording, what her sign really says is "YOUR Body, MY Choice"?

There are many ways one could protest wearing masks, but regardless of whether she is Stupid or Evil, this method of protest is Both. And a fair summary of why this country is in a prolonged state of collapse.

In related news, our Fake President will be sending troops to the beaches with bombs and flamethrowers to heroically fight off the evil tides invading our shores. 

Idiocracy by Fake President (half a year of damage remaining)

Getting Trippy With Tippy

While our fake president breaks down into full mad-dog desperation mode in his efforts to drag the USA back to pre-Revolutionary legal standards (ref. Boston Massacre and why people decided 'unitary' tyrants had to go, and why our constitution made it illegal for tyrants to use Federal Troops for Civilian law enforcement (until more recent tyrant wanna-bes effectively added "unless ordered to" to the Posse Comitatus act)), i feel like we could use a break.

So, just a quickie little bit of out-there oddness for today from Coo Coo Comics #16 with artwork from Jim Tyer -

Don't forget where you parked your brain. Lord knows, i'll be wandering for hours looking for mine...

page art by Jim Tyer from Coo Coo Comics #16 (1945)

22 July 2020

Kidnapping, Mystery, & Terror With Rex And Cynde

Well, i hadn't actually intended to stick with Rex Dexter for so many episodes just now, there's plenty of other Dick Briefer awaiting in the wings. But my mind is still half buried in The Third Colony and i got carried away while de-aging and thus have pages at the ready.

I made a passing reference recently to doing some restoration work when needed. That's something i rarely mention. As a matter of routine, i tend to de-age the old material presented here. Nothing really major, but you can see what i'm talking about with this Before & After sample:

I ponder... is basic tips for de-aging and restoration a topic folks would like to see covered here?

The next episode after where we left off already ran here, so we pick up with the subsequent tale, which is where the page above originated. Let us continue.

I'll repeat the page at the standard size. As always, you can click for bigger. (Typically 900 px width (as long as we're talking production details today anyway))

Now, on with the adventures of Rex and Cynde...

Do Cynde & Rex even remember they were headed to Mars? Or have they given up and settled on Earth?

They're running out of time and pages...

page art by Dick Briefer from Mystery Men Comics #s 19-21 (1941)

21 July 2020

Dicking Around On The Long Road To Mars

I know some are wondering - will Rex and Cynde ever make it to Mars?

Take hope -

But, before they made it that far, things happened. Let's jump in nearly a year after they started their journey to Mars...

After travelling so long, it almost seems like they sometimes have forgotten where they're going...

...but eventually an emergency calls them back to Earth...

...and, finally, back Off To Mars once again! 

At last, the destination looms ahead...

Ah, well. Maybe they'll get there next time...?

And, don't ya love Golden Age Science?

Hand held nuclear bombs that can be safely used in throwing range; Anti-matter liquid that can be applied to matter without mutual destruction; seemingly dozens of planets between Earth and Mars...

..and still better science than we get from our reality-fearing fake president and his sucklers.

page art by Dick Briefer from Mystery Men Comics #s 14-17 (1940)