21 July 2020

Dicking Around On The Long Road To Mars

I know some are wondering - will Rex and Cynde ever make it to Mars?

Take hope -

But, before they made it that far, things happened. Let's jump in nearly a year after they started their journey to Mars...

After travelling so long, it almost seems like they sometimes have forgotten where they're going...

...but eventually an emergency calls them back to Earth...

...and, finally, back Off To Mars once again! 

At last, the destination looms ahead...

Ah, well. Maybe they'll get there next time...?

And, don't ya love Golden Age Science?

Hand held nuclear bombs that can be safely used in throwing range; Anti-matter liquid that can be applied to matter without mutual destruction; seemingly dozens of planets between Earth and Mars...

..and still better science than we get from our reality-fearing fake president and his sucklers.

page art by Dick Briefer from Mystery Men Comics #s 14-17 (1940)

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