15 September 2020

Battling Wits With Birbal

Y'know, it's been a while since we visited with Mahesh Das , the wise-man/wise-ass adviser to  Akbar better known as Birbal. It's pretty obvious that we could use a LOT more clever people around these days. Or at least a hell of a lot less damn fools. But, some folks have to learn for themselves, and some folks simple Cannot learn. (Lincoln's "some of the people")
It hurts to watch. Especially knowing how easily the patterns of History tend to repeat.

So, let's turn our attentions elsewhere and check a few tales from Battle Of Wits, written & illustrated by Ramesh Mudholkar, and see how our favorite Raja fares...

I love the look on their faces in that last panel as they realize how they killed their friend and nearly doomed themselves. At least they showed a bit of wisdom at the end.

Not like today's fools who'll find a way to blame those they hate instead.

page art by Ramesh Mudholkar from Adarsh Chatra Katha #6, Battle Of Wits (year unknown)

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