20 April 2020

Just A Minute Or Two

Brain declined invitation to join us today.
Here's a couple classic fairy tales adapted by the Minute Movies troupe from Ed Wheelan.

Now me go find eat things.

page art by Ed Wheelan from Flash Comics #s 32 & 38 (1942, 1943)


  1. The Ed Wheelan stuff is great. I've read comments that his art style was old-fashioned at the time, but in retrospect that dwindles in importance. Or to put it another way, of course it's old-fashioned: it's old. How old bleeds into each other the older things get. With questions of history or journalism, it's a different matter, but with entertainment? Meh... past is past. Roughly speaking, at least. Anyway, thanks for sharing the entertainment.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it, too.
    I can't recall having read much of anything about Wheelan, so i've never heard the recriminations. I like his work, and i thought that the concept he was using there was fairly brilliant. There's a lot more of them, and we'll be going back.

    I think he might be better known for Fat & Slat, which had a much more newspaper strip feel. Perhaps that's what the critics were using for their judgements?

    Minute Movies led me to digging out and discovering other strips. How could we possibly NOT look at strips with a star named Butch McLobster, The Super Mobster? We'll definitely be seeing more of him before long.
