23 March 2020

Trump Flu Blues

One thing about a Crisis - it gives the worst elements in power a chance to strut their stuff and get even worse. In our government, crisis is seen as opportunity, and they're grabbing it left and right.

One glaring example is using the health crisis to force through an agenda that could never pass in normal times. Such is the EARN IT bill attached to the relief package. Not only is it evil in nature, allowing tyrants to be tyrants and giving the government Still More power to see everything everywhere, it also breaks security on everything from your love life to your credit cards to corporate finances.

But that's okay, because Fuck You - we're the government and you exist merely to serve us.

And to show how disgustingly evil it, and the framers of this bill are, they spew lies about it not being about encryption at all.
The Word Encryption Never Appears, they bloviate. 

That's right, it doesn't. They knew that their evils would never be tolerated if they spoke it's name directly, so they Voldemorted it.

You might think that some would be fighting against including non-related power-grabs into the relief bill. No, it's supported by both sides. They're only arguing over how little they can get away with spending, not how much power they can steal. But such is usually the way of the two-party "Freedom Lite" system. 

And, as usual, our government continues to operate in this century under the premise that the USA was always wrong; that the Nazis and Soviets got it right on how to do things. The government belongs to the people? What a stupid, foolish idea. People belong to the government, didn't you know that?

Unless things change dramatically, you'd better get real damned used to that idea because we've been at a tipping point and now they're really started to push things over the edge.

Good luck.

While we brood, picture in your head and ears Will Smith and Martin Lawrence singing their song...

Trump Flu! Trump Flu!
Whatcha Gonna Do?
Whatcha Gonna Do To Avoid Trump Flu?

I'll try to be back later with a real post.
(And we won't even talk about all the military troop and equipment movements going on in this country while everyone is hunkered down. I'm hearing that from truckers on the road, not voices in my head like the rump.)

But it was nice to see our president admit that he's not man enough to accept any blame.

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