26 April 2018

Signature Finlay

I made comment this morning about Virgil Finlay's signature's evolution over time. Of course, as any good artist, his work evolved as well. Here's the signature he was using at the time of the work we saw in our previous post:

And here's a look at how both work and signature evolved into the look familiar to me when i discovered the art of Virgil Finlay -

That square sigil in the lower left corner of the pic above became a mark for me to hunt for in old pulps, and an instant "Buy Me!" sign when found. I promised a look at his work for those unfamiliar, and we'll go into greater detail in the future. For now, here are another dozen images to give you an little peek at the incredibly detailed (insanely detailed, say some artists who understand just how much work is involved) art of Virgil Finlay - 

Just because i'm sure some are wondering - the caption for that last image is "Irene gasped as her dress was snatched back into the other world.", from the story Peter Merton's Private Mint by Lee Archer in the October 1956 issue of Fantastic.

art by Virgil Finlay, of course (varied)

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