Oops. Still keyed up and distracted around here, and forgot the little story that was to accompany the previous post on fashion.
See, another nice indicator of how odd
Bunny could be at times - the clothes could star in their own story.
No, really...
Nothing quite like fashion, Bunny style.
Oh, yeah - fashion for superheroes was covered, too -
So far we've talked about things and characters around Bunny Ball herself. So a big question remains,
"What does Bunny DO?"
As Queen Of The In-Crowd!, mostly Bunny just - IS, being naturally that which she is. This leaves others, like Esmeralda, to try while Bunny just does. You've seen that structure before, and it's not to hard to guess what she does for money - she let's others take pictures of her being her.
This, of course, gives in-story reason for Bunny to go anywhere and do whatever feels groovy that month. It's easy to rationalize whatever one pleases when the plot is dealing with insane creative genius types.
Let's follow along on that Zooples story and see what a day with Bunny can be like...
Don't ya dig those ginchy text panels? Like the first one on this page:
The were a standard in Bunny, part of the style.
Of course, it wasn't all just Bunny. She also had some groovy friends, like fellow model,
Marcy ...
...along with her own
No matter how different they may be, it seems Archies have similar goals, eh?
50 years later, some other things still seem familiar, too -
A context note for younger readers - Back in the 60's
Dial was creating the market for deodorant soap using a marketing campaign with the slogan
"Aren't you glad you use Dial? Don't you wish everyone did?"
pages from Bunny #s 4, 6, 8, 11, & 12 (1968, 1969)