13 January 2020

S&S's Forgotten Fantasies (Bonus)

Brain not like words.

Have extra pictures instead.

(If you weren't already following along, here are parts One, Two, and Three in this series)

Another 'almost' appearance of Stan & Steve in this one...

Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna slip back to the '50s for some earlier Ditko.

page art by Steve Ditko from Amazing Adult Fantasy #s 12, 13, & 14 (1962)

2020 Calendars - Week 03

This week we lead off with Mike Ludlow and a comic-appropriate painting for our Pin-up Calendar page -

Enoch Bolles returns for our Classic Covers Calendar with a Paris Nights cover from January 1937 -

For our Blue Calendar entry, we've got the first appearance of she who is arguably our oddest artist appearing on this year's calendars, Zoë Mozert . To view her artwork, step on back to our Adult Content room in The Other Voice Of ODD!

Meanwhile, here's a photo of Zoë in later years, standing in front of one of her most famous works, the Red Dog Rosie mural -

Yes, you can see the mural in the back room, too.

As always, the calendars are sized to print 8"x10" at 150dpi, with 1" square spaces for notations.

art by labelled artists, of course (20th C) 

12 January 2020

S&S's Forgotten Fantasies (Part The Third)

If you missed the first two parts, we're spending the weekend looking at tales from Amazing Adult Fantasy in the days before Spider-Man. Steve Ditko and Stan Lee were enjoying a creative frenzy that led up to Spider-Man and Doctor Strange that all too often gets forgotten these days.

Let us continue our dive into the past -

And so another Hermit is born...

Not much remarking upon the stories today. But we've got quite a few left from that short run of issues, so perhaps a bonus post tomorrow after the weekly Calendar, eh?

page art by Steve Ditko from Amazing Adult Fantasy #s 7, 10, 11, & 14 (1962)