10 January 2019

The Frankenstein Brief(er)

In the first of our recent posts featuring the work of Dick Briefer, i mentioned that he had done his own distinctive version of a famous classic character...

Early episodes frequently made note of the fact that while technically he's Frankenstein's monster, everyone calls him Frankenstein. As you can see from the introduction above, things evolved along the way. One thing remained consistent was Dick Briefer (though he used the name Frank N Stein for the first few, then Richard Briefer before settling into Dick Briefer for the next few decades.)

The strip went through some odd changes over the years, but the most famous incarnation was this strange comedy version of the character. (Fret not - we'll come back to those other versions)

To give an indication of the weird humor prevalent in the series, here are some of the splash panels kicking of some of the stories-

Along with many strange adventures, he also met the man who made him famous in the cinematic world -

To wrap up this first post, here's the story to go with the cover above -

Coming up - some of those other weird tales of Briefer's Frankenstein...

page art by Dick Briefer for Prize Comics #s 43 & 48 and Frankenstein Comics #s 2, 3, 6, 10, 11, 14, & 15 (1944, 1946, 1947, 1948)

09 January 2019

Scarlet Before Red

A year before Simon & Kirby unleashed the Red Skull upon the world, there was already a crimson cadaver headed villain on the scene - the Scarlet Skull!

Did Joe and Jack ever see him? Is Batman a transvestite?
Who knows?

But let's take a quick peek at these three (1-page) episodes of Seaweed Sam - The Rhyming Rover...

Hmm...  using Doctor  Doom  Danger's gravity nullification beam to send our heroes flying into orbit. That seems familiar somehow...

We'll come back to Victor Pazmiño's odd little series which ran for about 75 issues of Famous Funnies after i finish beating the week into submission.

page art by Victor Pazmiño for Famous Funnies #s 73-75 (1940-1941)

08 January 2019

Rex On Earth

Do you remember 19 years back when Rex Dexter Of Mars was visiting here on Earth? Things started out all right as you can see in Here On Earth - 2000AD...

...but then, odd things happened...

Fortunately, unlike most heroes, Rex & Cynde stuck around to help with the aftermath of their adventure -

Eager to see those model plans? We ran them last week at the end of the Stylin' With Dick & Rex post.

I've mentioned how much i really enjoy the very clean, simple approach that Dick Briefer takes with his art on this series. He, along with his colourist, creates quite a bit of dynamic energy with very few lines at times. But it must also be noted that when Briefer wanted to use the extra ink to show it, Rex Dexter was one handsome hero...

As noted previously, Rex Dexter appeared in issues 1-24 of Mystery Men Comics if you've got hankering for more.

page art by Dick Briefer for Mystery Men Comics #s 3, 6, 7, & 13 (1939, 1940)

07 January 2019

Rex, And The Week, Begins

The week is off to a weird start and i must go deal with it. With luck, i'll return later today. Meanwhile, here's Rex Dexter's first adventure from Dick Briefer to entertain you until i return...

page art by Dick Briefer for Mystery Men Comics #1 (1939)