...or flying...
...and not just his vehicles. His world had style, from rocket fleets ...
...to architecture...
...his world looked pretty cool. In the beginning, that is.
His first tale in Planet Comics #1 was drawn by Dick Briefer, who gave it a vibrantly distinctive look. Sadly, it seems to be the only episode he drew. After that, it was written & drawn under the house name Starr Gayza and the look and feel of the strip shifted dramatically.
Briefer went on to create his own highly unique version of a famous classic character, with whom we'll be revisiting soon. For the moment, let's enjoy that first episode of The Planetary Adventures Of Flint Baker -
I would have liked to have seen an ongoing strip done with this style. Ah, well. If that had happened, then we might not have gotten to see Briefer's other creation...
page art by Dick Briefer for Planet Comics #1 (1940)