It was 40 years ago at the
American Nostalgia Convention in Dallas, in 1978?
(Or was it '77 and i didn't see it reported until '78? I'm not entirely certain.)
I know in the main ballroom of the convention, the Public Address system suddenly erupted with
"SHAZAM!" and
Jackson Bostwick emerged in full costume. Back in the 70s, Bostwick was the man who brought
Captain Marvel to life on TV. The crowd, of course, erupted at the surprise of having the costumed superhero suddenly appear.
Moments later, the PA sang out again -
"Look! Up In The Sky! It's A Bird! It's A Plane!" and from the wings a fully costumed
Kirk Alyn appeared - the first man to play
Superman in the movies. The crowd at this non-comics convention were treated to a legendary comics encounter that has yet to be repeated
(though that may soon change) - the meeting of Superman & Captain Marvel -
Somehow, this odd encounter has been forgotten, it seems, and lost to modern memory. But not, i'd wager, forgotten by those who were there for this legendary meet.
Kirk Alyn & Jackson Bostwick getting their hero on at Dallas (1978)