Lots of fun happening around these parts as yesterday saw me move my medical coverage to a new, closer, location, dropping the number of hours a month that i'm required to wear shoes down into the single digits.
Time for the Barefoot Happy Hermit Dance.
No, you don't get to watch.
Here's some other odd inanities for your amusement instead-
the works by Basil Wolverton for Weird Tales Of The Future #s 2 & 4 (1952)
Before getting into the identity of the mystery movie from which screens were posted yesterday, let's add a mystery comic to the pile.
This one goes back a ways. Many of us have old favorite characters whom we'd like to see revived, perhaps even upon the big screen. But there's some that, no matter how much one might hope otherwise, there's a fair certainty we'll never see again. One of those, for me, comes from over 30 years ago. Perhaps he's familiar to some others, too?
A teaser...
What a start.
why spoil the guessing fun at this early stage? (1980s)
Brain went walkies. Hopefully back soon.
Meanwhile, less words, more pictures.
Mary Fleener has a word for those comics that draw heavily on the lives of the creators - Biographix.
I like it. And it reflects her roots in the underground comix world.
NOTE: The last page of Mary's Career Opportunities contains nudity. Rather than leave the readers hanging at the end,
One of the many fascinating things about Mary Fleener's artwork relates to her wordless, or sparsely worded, 'cubismo' styled strips. With so much going on in them, and so much able to be read into them, some can be chopped up into pieces and mixed into a new dish...
...or doings with a magical wishing fish -
It's a weirdly beautiful world Mary lives in. Of course, that does no justice to 20 pages of story, but it can be so
easy to lose oneself in the visuals that story will construct itself. (Or is it just my head that works that way?)
Before we dive deeper into Mary Fleener's comics, let's take a gander (a goose, even, if that's your preference) at a mutant handful more of her covers -
If you're only going to have one Mary Fleener comic publication, ^this^ is the one you want. Over 150 pages of her comics collected from various publications over the previous two decades. It's a terrific party for your eyes and brain.
covers by Mary Fleener for the books of which they're covers (Duh)