Showing posts with label Funny Animalphabet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Funny Animalphabet. Show all posts

19 July 2018

Funny Animalphabet Continues

EDIT: This series is currently being expanded into a separate website, The 1940s Funny Animalphabet.

Continuing our overview of Funny Animals of the 1940s from our earlier posts -


Gandy (and Sergeant Sourpuss)

Gee Gee The Talking Horse

Giddy Goose

Okay - At first glance, Ginger might not seem to be a "Funny Animal" type comic. So let's look at the rest of that page: 

The Ginggham Dog and the Calico Cat


Goofy Goose

Gran'pa Scottyand his Terrors

Gus The Groundhog



Ham Swift - Inventor

Happy Hare

Hard Shell Harry

Hector the Henpecked Rooster

Helpful Hank

Henry Hyena

Hep Chick

Hillbilly Goat


Homeless Hector

Homer Rabbit

Honey Cub


Hoppy the Marvel Bunny
(Yep - even superheroes were doing Funny Animals back then. (Okay, later, too))


Hurry Hare and Willie Watchdog


Icicle Ike

Itty Biddy


Jerry Goldfish
(JCA = Jason Comic Art Studios)

Jocko and Junior

...not to be confused with Jocko and Socko

Joe Kangaroo

Johnny Mole

J. Rufus Lion

Jumpin' Jack

As you may have already guessed, in another 3 hours we continue from K

art by various (1940s)

D Is For Antbear...?

EDIT: This series is currently being expanded into a separate website, The 1940s Funny Animalphabet.

Continuing our incomplete compendium of Funny Animals of the 1940s from this morning's post -


Daffy Dragon
(HC = Ellis Chambers. Yes, don't worry. We'll come back to play in Daffy's wonderland)

Dandy Rabbit
JCA is the Jason Comic Art Studio, not an individual.

Dinky Duck

Dipsy Doodle


Dizzy Dog
It probably won't surprise Sheldon Mayer fans to see his signature a fair bit on these works.

Don Bugaboo and Fatcho
I've never seen the Homasty signature on anything except a couple Don Bugaboo tales.

Doodles Duck

Dopsy Durvy

Drippo The Hippo
(that's Bill Hudson, if you're having trouble making out the first name. No Emu.)

Droopy The Antbear and Reddy Fox
(See? I told you D was for Antbear. (Yes, Antbear is another name for Aardvark))

Dusty and Rusty


Eager Beaver
(O.F. = Otto Feur)

Eddie Elephant

Eeny, Meeny and Moe
(Howie Post, rapidly becoming a regular around here)

Egbert and the Count
(Hart = Ernie Hart)


Flash The Fox
(Drawn by Joe Edwards, too)

Flip & Dip
(Artist unknown, but written by the author of our ongoing serial, Twin Earths.)

Flippity and Flop

Foolie Fox
(sorry - even at full size, i can't make out the signature. Maybe it's familiar to someone?)

Fox (Crazy Like A...)
(The series name is Crazy Like A Fox, but the character is merely named Fox)

Foxy Fagan

Fraidy Cat

Francois Feline, Esq.

Freddy Fixit
(Of course, he later sold the business to Felix)

Frency Rabbit and Flippit

Frosty and Gabbie

Frowsy and Fuzzy

Funny Bunny
(That's Hal Lockwood in the small print)

(Funny Fez only had seven stories (and one cover). Perhaps he was a bit too odd?)
We return in another 3 hours to continue from G.

page art by various (1940s)