Showing posts with label Blue Monday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Monday. Show all posts

09 October 2017

Borgia In Blue

Alejandro Jodorowsky is one of those artists whose voice is so uniquely distinctive that he almost has to exist outside of the mainstream, while being admired by those who create there. His followers are passionate about his films, and time is usually quite favorable in how his work is viewed though it may frequently be less understood and often hidden from sight upon first release. El Topo, his earliest cult hit, with fans like John Lennon, created the midnight cult movie concept. The Holy Mountain defined him globally as the premiere surealist film maker of the time. His never-filmed adaptation of Dune is considered a lost treasure.
Later, he partnered with legendary French (so very, very French) artist Moebius to create The Incal series, again heavy in surrealism and mysticism at the core, even in the heavy scifi trappings.

So, what happens when you mix Alejandro Jodorowsky with peerless Italian erotic artist Milo Manara for an historical fiction based on the House of Borgia?
We get this week's

Their Borgia collaboration runs 4 volumes. We'll just be peeking into the first book today:

They immediately set the tone of the book in a single panel that opens the first view of Rome:

Early in the book, they set up the conflict between the Borgias and the Church...

NOTE: Most of the artwork from this post has been moved to our back room for adult content. A few images and the text of the post remains for you to be able to decide if you wish to see more.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive of the original post to view the artwork.

...the children are found alive in the closet there.
Of course, it wouldn't be proper Jodorowsky without a bit of surrealism and mysticism mixed in our imagery...

The tale goes into behind the scenes political manipulations to serve personal hatreds and agendas...

...culminating in a clash of power between the Borgia family and the Church...

Here ends the first book. Lest you suspect otherwise, with 52 pages of story, we've skipped quite a bit here. Both creators are masterful storytellers, and their talents combine well. Books 2-4 have been in the to-read piles for a while, but keep getting pushed back on my frequent "Maybe this should be saved for later" policy. Ergo comment on how the series develops shall have to be deferred until after reading.

But don't let that stop you from reading ahead. I don't mind.

pages by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Milo Manara from Borgia: book 1 (2006)

02 October 2017

Blue Monday Bonus - This Time It's Personal

I've been doing some data sorting, so there's a fair stack of my work nearby. Here's some of my paintings fit for a

NOTE: All but one of the images in this collection of my artwork contain nudity, and thus have been moved to our back room for adult content. The text remains for context information.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive of the original post to view the artwork.

Some paintings are created to be background material in other paintings - advertisements and such:

And the rabbit hole goes deeper... I've mentioned before that i paint from photographs. (Yes, even with paintings like A Dream Of A Wrong Turn. It's good to have existential cameras) So sometimes paintings get 'nested'. Look in the upper left background of that last 3 Gun Kid advert, and you'll see this painting done to go in the background of the painting to go in the background of the paintings illustrating the odd little scifi tale crawling in my head:

...and if you look behind the crowd on the left side of  this government warning notice*, you'll see the Evil Clown Cologne advertisement above, though it's mostly occluded by the bodies. On the right, you can see this print on the wall behind the runner:

Which might, of course, help explain the recursive artwork.

everything by -3- (Century 21)

*(Yes, in my world the government have found the perfect tool for fear mongering: Molemen! The could be beneath you right now!)

Little Can Be Big

Let's skip across the pond for today's

Vittorio Giardino's erotic pastiche of Windsor McKay's classic Little Nemo In Slumberland is simple fun, though elegantly layered. The collected edition opens with several 2-pagers playing with the concept...

NOTE: The images from this post contain nudity, and thus have been moved to our back room for adult content. The text remains that you may make a fair guess as to whether or not you wish to look at the pics.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive of the original post to view the artwork.

After a double length, 4 page strip, he breaks out with a multi-part 32 page tale that make the book an enjoyable read. Here's a few of the title panels from her dream trip:

If you're going to go looking, here's the covers of the English, French and German editions (in alphabetical order - sorry, mes amis) just for comparative fun:

Bonus for all you folks who were already well familiar with Little Ego. Here are the bonus sketch pages from the French edition:

(And that's why we're a few hours late today - digging out the French edition for the bonus pages)

Little Ego by Vittorio Giardino (1989)

25 September 2017

Blue Monday, not Monday Blues

Fighting the urge to draw back deeper into the cave today. Nearly Monday Blues instead of

Instead of withdrawing, how about we dig something up out of the darkness? Say maybe an Un-comic with a Frank Frazetta cover for a Neal Adams comic strip? That work for you?
Hope so...

NOTE: The images from this post contain nudity, and thus have been moved to our back room for adult content. The text remains that you may make a fair guess as to whether or not you wish to look at the pics. (Fair warning, there's not a whole lot of nudity, but a lot of oddity. And you do get a naked cover from Frazetta)
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive of the original post to view the artwork.

Ah, 70s....  how we miss you.

Dragula by Tony Hendra and Neal Adams from National Lampoon #20 (1971)

18 September 2017

Is That a Rabbit Hole?

Welcome to another edition of

Today, the second half of Wally Wood's classic Malice In Wonderland. (If you're late to the party, the first half is readable here) EDIT: That link is to the picture free version. The actual pages are in our back room, located here.

NOTE: The images from this post contain nudity, and thus have been moved to our back room for adult content. The text remains that you may make a fair guess as to whether or not you wish to look at the pics.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive of the original post to view the artwork.

For you younger readers, there's no way to convey to you just how very 70s this strip was.

Malice In Wonderland by Wally Wood for National Screw magazine (1977)

11 September 2017

Blue Moons

It's time to shake off those not-another-week blues with

This week, let's visit with one of the classics when it comes to beautiful women and erotic fantasy art - Frank Frazetta. Like many others, i grew up with Frazetta posters on my wall (an upcoming post, almost certainly) and Frank taught me all about admiring the butt. (Hence today's title.) Frazetta isn't one of those artists with a secret erotic artist side - he was bold and brash, filling his work with scantily clad, if at all, sexy women - both as maidens to be rescued and warriors to be feared.
So, like Frank, let's go big today with a dozen and a half images from his amazing body of work:

NOTE: The collection of paintings and drawings from this post contain (excellent) nudity, and thus have been moved to our back room for adult content. The text remains that you may make a fair guess as to whether or not you wish to look at the pics. You probably do.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive of the original post to view the artwork.

all art by the late immortal Frank Frazetta

04 September 2017

Blue Monday - Bonus Wood

There was no Blue Monday last week, in honor of Jack Kirby's birthday. So here's an extra installment today in partial recompense. Continuing with out Wally Wood theme today, let's go back to the first two issues of National Screw Magazine. We saw previously that the first four issues debuted an exclusive new strip from Wood - Malice In Wonderland. While this has been reprinted quite a few times, it's usually in black and white. So here's the first half from their original run in National Screw:

NOTE: The images from this post contain nudity, and thus have been moved to our back room for adult content. The text remains that you may make a fair guess as to whether or not you wish to look at the first two chapters (4 pages each) of Wally Wood's Odd classic.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive of the original post to view the artwork.

As the caption said - Continued...

Malice In Wonderland by Wally Wood for National Screw #s 1 & 2 (1976)

Blue Tooth

Bad toothache erupted. Minimal post for

Today, Wally Wood mimics Al Capp to show us a secret bit of L'il Abner & Daisy's story...

NOTE: The images from this post contain nudity, and thus have been moved to our back room for adult content. The text remains that you may make a fair guess as to whether or not you wish to look at the pics.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive of the original post to view the artwork.

That bit of hidden history comes courtesy of Wally Wood's Gang Bang #1:

Okay - I'm going to go play with some string and a doorknob. I'll leave you with another quick bit of Wood:

Lil An' Abner by Wally Wood for Gang Bang #1 (1980), Man Of Steel, Woman Of Stone from Gang Bang #3 (1981)

21 August 2017

Jack & Blue

We interrupt the King Kirby 100 for the return of

We're keeping with our Jack Kirby theme this month, but the KK100 tries to be Safe For Work, but not all of The King's fans have the same intent. Nor does this blog, for that matter - but you clicked on the Adult Warning, so you already know that.

So today, let's look at a few of Jack's characters as drawn by other artists, like Dave Cockrum, John Byrne, Joe Rubenstein, Adam Hughes, Frank Cho, and Bruce Timm.
One of the most popular Kirby characters for nude/erotic sketches is the Scarlet Witch. One can only imagine that popularity will increase with the current Avengers movies.

NOTE: The images from this post contain nudity, and thus have been moved to our back room for adult content. The text remains that you may make a fair guess as to whether or not you wish to look at the pics.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive of the original post to view the artwork.

Close behind, perhaps not surprisingly given the amount of cheesecake inherent in her comic book role as Mister Miracle's stage assistant, is Big Barda. Her warrior side has inspired entire 'muscle porn' fan groups. Those two contrasts offer an intriguing combination to many artists and fans...

The Wasp, of course, has lot of fans and can inspire a fair bit of fetish oriented artwork. Her appearance in the recent Avengers cartoon series open another fan base and style of artwork. We'll see more of her next week, but here's a nice study of her for now...

Kirby's biggest stars are often more popular in cartoons:

To wrap things up for this batch, here's one of my favorite cartoons of the type:

31 July 2017

Duck, Duck, Goosed

NOTE: Following the restructure of this site, the adult content has been moved to our back room. Text remains so that you (and search engines) may know what to expect, but if you wish to see the collection of adult oriented artwork (naked women and ducks) from Carl Barks, please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive of the original post.

We all know Carl Barks, right?
You know...  the guy who taught us all about capitalism when we were growing up:

The Man who brought us those great adventures with Scrooge, Donald, and the family...

...and all those other wonderful ducks...

... what...the...  ducks?

Duckin' A!
It must be another..

This  week featuring (pretty obviously) the great Carl Barks!

Long before he became famous for his work with the Disney characters, Barks enjoyed drawing women and bawdy humor. Early cartoon work for magazines like Calgary EyeOpener provided a playground for the budding artist.

In 1939 he released a Nude Lithograph with work reminiscent of great modern European erotic artists:

Throughout his highly prolific career he continued to use the female form as a way to get away from the ducks and enjoy his art.

My favorite works (though i love those simple figure studies above) come from a period when Disney revoked his license to paint the Duck family and he humorously responded with a series of commissions entitled Famous Figures Of History As They Might Have Looked Had Their Genes Gotten Mixed With Waterfowl, such as this delightful piece, Mountain Man:

(Yes, that's Myron Moose in the background)

I believe Disney restored his license fairly swiftly after learning of these paintings.

Everything but the logo by the great Carl Barks (spread over half a century or more)

24 July 2017

What phase is the moon?

NOTE: This post has been edited to conform to the blog's new status. Part has been moved to our Back Room with a link provided at the bottom.

At one point while growing up, we lived in a 'blue' county, so called because it was subject to old Blue Laws. Blue Laws was a term used to refer to attempts to legislate morality, usually by the highly unmoral seeking power or feeling guilty. On Sundays where we lived, the alcohol cabinets in the stores were chained shut, and bars closed. It was illegal to sell alcohol anywhere in the county on Sunday, so you tried to stock up friday or saturday, and hope your friends did, too, so they wouldn't drink you dry before Monday came around.
This was Blue Sunday.

In general, this worked out for most folks with only minor grousing about the situation. But for the hard drinkers, the young partiers who get cut off halfway through the weekend, it was ... well, agonizing - according to them. This led to savagely overdrinking and hard partying on Monday - the kind that leaves you waking up naked and not being able to identify the naked person(s) next to you.
This was Blue Monday.

And so we have a name for our latest feature:

Here we'll take a look at what we'll call 'Blue' comics & art for the sake of the feature.
Sometimes we'll look at various 'adult' comics from around the globe, other times we'll just look at the pretty pictures. Like today.
Here's a news flash - many artists often draw naked things. From learning experiences to expressions of passion to desperate need, the reasons vary widely. Some hide it, some flaunt it. Some do it for pleasure, some for attention, some only for money or to please others. Sometimes, it's the most obvious artists whose work is nearly erotica anyway, other times it's the last artist you might expect. (See our next Blue Monday for a potential example)

For our inaugural episode, let's not focus on any one artist - let's go with a theme. Superman Artists. I'm sure there's lots more out there. It's a new feature on a new blog, so no lengthy research is involved. Just 3x3 pics from 10 Superman Artists, ranging from Joe Shuster to Bruce Timm - the artists who brought us the first Superman, and the modern animated Superman. These are two of the most famous blue art creators among the comics pros - Joe Shuster due to publication of a book not long back calling attention to his fetish art, and Bruce Timm due to the publication of his own collection of paintings and drawings. I'm only using one example from each artist here, and zero context information for this quick review.

This post contains adult material and the remaining contents have been moved to The Other Voice Of ODD! - please follow this link to continue reading.