Showing posts with label 2000s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2000s. Show all posts

04 June 2018

Blue Monday Bonus - Un-Comics From The Sewer

Say you're a fan of 'trashy' movies. You love discovering what weird creations have sprung from the minds of those artists who dwell off on the sidestreets, far from the main Boulevard of Dreams.
Where do you go to find them?

Okay. You go to the internet these days - though it can be a daunting expedition that may leave one suffering from things that can never be unseen. It's often safer to find a trusty guide. For the past 20+ years, one man has put his sanity on the line for us, bringing back his (and his team's) reports from the Cinema Sewer - a guide named Robin Bougie. We'll be talking more about the magazine, but today's focus is on their frequent use of Un-Comics for both stories and reviews.

That's the focus of the latest post in our adult content 'back room'. To view the accompanying artwork, visit the full post on The Other Voice Of ODD!
The rest of the text is presented here for context (and search engines, since they can't get past doorman)

Given the focus of the magazine, it should come as no surprise that the creators seem completely unfettered, in the finest underground comix tradition. They are designed to express personal voices - quite bluntly and proudly. (In the dark corners of my mind, the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny is fought between Robin Bougie and Chris Gore, both summoning their troops from the best/worst of cinema)

So, here's a sampling of Cinema Sewer Un-Comics, ranging from film reviews to slice-of-life experiences to a History Of Bukkake and celebrity features and condemnations...

They even did a profile on The Fake Detective, Ed Lake -

Ed's done some great work over the years. I encountered him back in the late '90s while crafting some fakes (all clearly labelled, per his suggestion). The few months i spent playing with those taught me more about Photoshop than a decade of professional work using the tool. (In case you were wondering why.)

Sorry - couldn't find any on the active systems. I'd have to go digging in the archives to find examples.

page art by Robin Bougie, Kim Dietch, D.J. Bryant, David Paleo, Phil Barrett, Josh Simmons, Priscilla Equis, Joseph Bergin III, and Hugo for  Cinema Sewer #s 16, 18, 19, 20 & 22 (2005-2009)

23 May 2018

Birbal And The Ten Greatest Fools

No telling how the net connection is doing, so let's get straight to it.
Continuing from this morning's post, a tale of Birbal and Akbar...

The cover for this issue was shown in the previous post, so here's a couple more Birbal covers instead:

The Ten Greatest Fools from Birbal The Witty (2001?)

22 May 2018

Covering India

Oh, the infinite joys of failing technology...

I had planned to break this post up in two or three parts and write a bit about some of the comics, but lost the work in progress to net crash earlier today. So we're just going to do a big cover gallery right now, with almost no comments. But don't worry, we'll come back and look inside some of these later.

Excluding a couple short comedy comics, we've never looked at the comics of India here. Since i've been having those connectivity problems, i indulged in some offline work pulling covers from about 100 Indian comics, some English and some Hindi. About 50 of those are here today, spanning about three decades.

This first cover features Sinbad (and the Roc, of course) -

I don't seem to have included any of the reprint comics featuring The Phantom, Flash Gordon, and Mandrake. (Ever wonder why those guys were chosen to be Defenders Of The Earth? Maybe it was because they were all globally popular characters?) Nor any of the old Bruce Lee comics. Another reason to come back and visit with some of these books.

But for now, let's cross our extraneous digits and attempt to post this into the queue...

covers, or so many covers...