13 January 2018

Saturday Whozit Solutions

Welcome back for the solutions to our Comic Creator Whozit Quiz posted yesterday.
(We'll try to stall for a little space in case you wanted to avoid seeing the answers before clicking on that link when visiting from the future.)

The photos for our current Whozit quiz were taken in 1975 at the New York Comic Art Convention, and come to us via the program for the following year's Con, as seen at right. I may not have found what i was digging for, but at least we got a quiz out of it, eh?
(Now if i can just figure out for which conventions Matt Howarth did those early Post Brothers/Star Trek parody comics. And, more importantly, where the frell those program books are hiding)

Let's see how we did spotting ancient creators in the wild, shall we? Here are the identities of our guests:

.Yes, Berni snuck in there twicet. I obviously wasn't going to identify the fan costume in the quiz - too much of a hint as to who the creators were. Even if Len is looking kind of Al Jaffe-y there.

Funny thing - i've exchanged emails with a couple of these people, but had no clue what they looked like until running into these old pics. As you might suspect given that information, my score on this quiz was Epic Fail. I might recognize a lot of styles, but not a lot of faces.

pics from the 1976 Comic Art Convention program (1976)

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