16 April 2020

Trump Flu Blues Prevention Break With Basil

Let's take a break from the puzzles and games and such. We're already getting enough silly entertainment from the president.

Seriously - how big of an idiot do you need to be in order to use Captain Bligh as the image you want to project?
Let's see - he steals, gets caught, and has the man flogged for daring to suggest he might have done it. He murders crewmen with his cruel need to establish his personal superiority, real or imagined. He makes bad decisions that screw things up, then punishes everyone else for it. He tries to cover his ass and make himself look good at the cost of those in his charge. His crazed actions eventually push them to deal with a deranged maniac in charge. And when it all finally goes to trial, the captain is protected by his own, but even they are forced to admit that he should never have been made captain in the first place.

Maybe he's actually not too far off the mark for a change. (Not on the current alleged mutiny, of course. That would require him actually having authority to be usurped, which he does Not. He's still operating on a child's idea of what the President is and can do. (And a child's idea of what a Man is, for that matter. Not to mention many ridiculous childish notions - like not being man enough to admit when you're wrong doesn't make you always right))

While he's busy holding up relief checks so he can put his brand on his current failing business, let's get the hells off this planet for a bit.

Meteor Martin was another Basil Wolverton character from back in 1941. He only had two strips of which i'm aware, so let's take a look at both, shall we? These come from the final two issues of Amazing Man, #s 25 & 26 -

That's one confusing final blurb. The comic appeared in Amazing Man, not Stars & Stripes. Nor did Wolverton ever work for any publication with that name, so far as i can determine. Certainly not the newspaper for those in military service.

So, i guess maybe the answer was "No."

page art by Basil Wolverton from Amazing Man #s 25 & 26 (1941)

15 April 2020

Trump Flu Blues Prevention IV - Puzzles Pages

Okay, campers! We've got things to keep your brain busy today - a dozen puzzles for your amusements. 

Are Connect-The-Dots puzzles? 
Maybe only 10 puzzles, depending on one's definition. But we do have the most interesting Connect-The-Dots i've seen. They found a way to totally hide what the finished picture will be. You'll see what i mean.

But first, let's start with Spidey -

yes, answers will follow - but not today.
Hopefully, none of these ran previously on Friday Fun & Games. They're hard to search for double-checking.

pages from here & there (see answer credits)

14 April 2020

Trump Flu Blues Prevention III - Colouring Continued

Winter must be in full retreat. My body seems to have cycled around to waking at, or before, dawn. Last week i was barely to sleep by the time i wake this week. Has the Trump Flu isolation been affecting your sleep patterns? Do you find yourself becoming untethered from the clock?

Anyway, we've got more idle entertainments for passing the hours while hunkered down to avoid Trump Flu.

This morning we've got another dozen and a half colouring pages for an assortment of amusements ranging from Acid Archie riding a dinosaur to a Gil Kane pin-up of the Lone Ranger to the Surfer's Prayer to poster art for the never made sequel to Flesh Gordon. (Not to be confused with Flesh Gordon Meets The Cosmic Cheerleaders, the made sequel to Flesh Gordon)

As i indicated i would do last time, they're a tad smaller - sized to print 8"x10" at 200dpi.

yeah, i suppose i should have paid attention to where these pages came from, eh?
If you want to know about some, ask, and i'll try to track the source(s).

13 April 2020

Trump Flu Blues Prevention II - Building With Edison Bell

Once upon a time people had to entertain themselves on a regular basis. Philo was still staring at corn fields and Net was for fishing. What's a poor bored person to do?

I've made no secret of my fondness for boy genius/inventor comics, and i think we can find a bit help from some of them. So, let's jump back about 80 years and get some advice on how to build some fun from one we've yet to meet - Edison Bell.

By this point, you might be wondering "Who the hell was Edison Bell?" (because it rhymes)

Let's visit Blue Bolt #1 and get a peek, shall we? 

Edison was around for quite a while. The Grand Comics Database lists nearly 200 appearances (likely including some reprints)

Next time we visit with him, we'll look at more of his comics and not just the Make'em pages that appear at the end.

page art by Harold DeLay and Ray Gil from a bunch of Blue Bolt issues between v.1#1 and v.8#10 (that numbering is clunky, no?) (1940-48)