Showing posts with label Louis Ferstadt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Louis Ferstadt. Show all posts

18 February 2018


For our Sunday Morning Funnies today, let's go to some comics from the middle of our previous century, ranging (in order) from 1949 to 1954, with a stop in 1950 -

Kinda changes the dynamic when the Cat & Mouse cartoon is played out with Dog & Cat instead, eh?

Meanwhile, almost one of the great pun names of all time in comics, the Owl detective, Whoo-Doodit (shoulda been Whoo-Dunnit to really ring that bell) -

And to make sure we've reached our minimum recommended level of odd this week...

I've mentioned in the past my fondness for seeing artists pop up in their work. The only pictures i've seen of Louis Ferstadt are older, with his hair shorter and a mustache - but the face and chin shape does seem to be him in those last two panels.

art by Dan Gordon, Bob Wickersham, and Louis Ferstadt from Funny Films #1 & #8 and Super Funnies #2 (1949, 1950, 1954)

17 February 2018

SM Cartoons

Spent most of the day dealing with the frustrating puzzles of the new software and haven't blog-formatted the images for Saturday Solutions yet. So here's a bit of Saturday Morning Cartoon type action to distract you, and we'll be back with the answers later in the day, after i'm awake again.

There was no next month.

comics by Louis Ferstadt from Young Allies #3 and Funland #1 (and only) (1942, 1946)

11 February 2018

Sunday Morning Funnies - Ladies Leading

The 3rd issue, #6.

For today's Sunday Morning Funnies we'll be jumping back to 1944.

Harvey published a short-lived anthology title, All-New Comics, which ran only a dozen issues. Just to be confusing, #1 was #4 - so only 12, not 15 issues, despite the numbering. As seen on the cover to right, the book featured a variety of standard action/adventure tales, but it also contained some lightly whimsical comedies, too.

As you might note on the cover to #6 there, the Black Cat was a regular star. She's probably one of the best remembered Harvey heroes, but several other ladies had their own features in the book, with their male sidekicks tagging along. Rather unusual for almost 75 years ago, so let's make that our focus today.

So, here's Penny with Ullysses Jr, and Blonde Bomber with Slapso, from issues 6 & 9. Artwork for the Penny comics is by Louis Ferstadt. The other credits are lost to antiquity -

pages from All-New Comics #s 6 & 9 (1944)