Showing posts with label Friday Fun & Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friday Fun & Games. Show all posts

11 May 2018

Friday Fun & Gallifrey Games

It's Friday once again, and while the real-man bloggers are off competing in Friday Night Fights, we ...  What? No more?

Alas, another fine tradition fades into the aether.

Nonetheless, we carry on with -

I'm missing The Doctor, and no new shows for half a year yet, so let's it's time for some Gallifreyan games!

First, a couple of word games - one to search them out, and one to stuff them in...

Indulge in a bit of robo-puppy love with a trio of K-9 puzzles -

...and finally, let's close it out with a little old school Doctor puzzle...

Puzzle solutions tomorrow, of course.

04 May 2018

Friday Fun & Super Games

It's Friday? When Did This Happen?

As noted earlier, the week was off to a rough start and my grasp of time can be tenuous, at best.
But - Hey! I finally noticed that it's Firday and time for  -

As you probably couldn't escape noticing, it's Superman's 80th birthday this month. So let's go with a quick assortment of Superman puzzzles this week:

puzzle sources tomorrow - wouldn't do to give those hints today, would it?

27 April 2018

FF&G - Breaking The Marvel Code

While the real men of the comic blogging world are off battling in Friday Night Fights, around here we hide out and relax with Friday Fun & Games insead -

 This week, it's time to dust of those thinking caps and code books.  
Spider-Man, Submariner, Hulk, and especially that ticky Thor have been keeping secrets. Can you break the codes to find their hidden knowledge?

Y'know - we used to use that code the Hulk is using on our notes back in my school days. Well, that was part of the coding process, depending on the security level.
Old school geeks.

Check back for Saturday Solutions if you get stumped.

answers and sources tomorrow, eh?

20 April 2018

FF&G - Monkee Mania

Look Out!

 Yep. It's time once again for our ritual whimp-out from Friday Night Fights. This time, The Monkees frolic freely for our Friday Fun & Games -

This is The Monkees, after all, and they're off monkeying about in the UK - so madness reigns with the quizzes this week. Fair warning...

Solutions tomorrow, such as they be...

quizzes from ... find out tomorrow (1960s)

13 April 2018

'Mazing Marvel

When gathering up games and puzzles for the blog, there's one type i generally tend to ignore - Mazes.
The reason is quite simple: they usually suck. We're talking sucking bubbly farts out of dead toad frogs suck.
So, it's pretty odd that we're going with mazes for today's edition of

There was one source for well done mazes designed with a bit of thought. It was a magazine from Marvel, which means we also get comic/superhero themes for many of them.

Here's easily the wicked-coolest of their maze offerings...

...and here's a Quick Quiz Question:
What Marvel magazine published these mazes?

For a hint, ponder this detail image from the final cover:

Gee. You don't suppose that killed the mag, do you?

mazes from ... find out tomorrow (then)

06 April 2018

The Usual FF&G

With minimal introduction, it's time for

We've got a trio of quizzes related to our recent fanzine and monster offerings from the early 70s - a general comics knowledge quiz, a test of how well you know Godzilla, and an odd little dialogue quiz that i like best of all.
Let's get straight to them, shall we?

One of these days i need to put together a quiz with a bunch of my favorite lines from movies.
Meanwhile, join us tomorrow for Saturday Solutions.

30 March 2018

Friday Fun & Games - GA UK TV

Once again, it's time for

We haven't skipped across the pond for a bit, so let's return to the UK for a trio of puzzles from the Groovy Age today. These puzzles range from 1968 to 1972, so consider your answers accordingly.

Of course, the big puzzle here is how they managed to turn one of my favorite old shows into a movie so wretched that even John Woo wasn't able to drag me back into the series after that first abomination.
(We'll skip entirely past why anyone would watch Tom Cruise in pretty much anything other than South Park)

Yeah, feeling cranky this morning...

 solutions on Saturday, of course